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 Precedence of Operators
 %                Modulus of two numbers -- binary        (Mathematical)
 *                Multiplication -- binary                (Mathematical)
 **               Exponentiation -- binary                (Mathematical)
 +                Add, unary positive, concatenate        (Math, Character)
 -                Subtract, unary negative, concatenate   (Math, Character)
 /                Division of two numbers -- binary       (Mathematical)
 <> != #          Not equal -- binary                     (Relational)
 $                Substring -- binary                     (Relational)
 &                Macro substitution                      (Macro)
 ->               Alias operator                          (Alias)
 .AND.            Logical AND -- binary                   (Logical)
 .NOT. !          Logical NOT -- unary                    (Logical)
 .OR.             Logical OR -- binary                    (Logical)
 <                Less than -- binary                     (Relational)
 <=               Less than or equal -- binary            (Relational)
 =                Equal -- binary                         (Relational)
 ==               Exactly equal -- binary                 (Relational)
 >                Greater than -- binary                  (Relational)
 >=               Greater than or equal -- binary         (Relational)

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