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LINK           Linking with Microsoft LINK version 3.65

Syntax:        LINK [<object file>[+<object file>...][,[<executable
               file>]][,[<map file>]][,[<library file>[+<library
               file>...]]] [<options>] [;]/@<response file>

Arguments:     <object file> is the name of the object file to
               link.  If not specified, the default extension is .OBJ.
               If a list of object files is specified, separate each
               file with a (+) or space character.

               Note: The first object file linked must be
               Clipper-compiled.  Any others compiled by another
               compiler must be listed subsequently.

               <executable file> is the name of the output file.  If
               not specified, the default extension is .EXE.

               <map file> is the name of the file to output a
               listing of symbols, addresses, and segment lengths.  The
               default extension is .MAP.

               Note: In addition to file names, you can specify a
               device as output.  For example, you can specify PRN and
               the output will be directed to the printer.  If no <map
               file> is specified, output is automatically directed to
               the NUL device.

               <library> is the name of a runtime libraries searched
               to resolve external references in order to link the
               specified object files.  The default extension is .LIB.
               If CLIPPER.LIB is not specified, LINK looks for it by

               If no drive or directory is specified, LINK searches for
               the library as follows:

               . The current drive and directory
               . Other paths specified in the list of libraries in the
                 order specified
               . The path specified in the DOS environmental variable

               Note: EXTEND.LIB must be specified to link object
               modules from it.

               <response file> is the name of a file containing a
               list of arguments and options to submit to LINK as if
               they were responses to interactive prompts or on the
               command line.  The contents must conform to following

               . Responses must be in the same order as specified on the
                 command line
               . Responses must begin on a new line or be separated by
               . Long responses can span a new line if continued with a
                 plus (+) character
               . A semi-colon (;) uses the default responses for the
                 remaining prompts

               Note: <response file> may occur anywhere within a
               LINK command line.

               ; uses the default for the remainder of response

Options:       LINK supports a number of options that modify its basic
               behavior.  Options can be specified on the command line,
               at an interactive prompt, or within a response file.
               Each option specified must begin with a slash character
               (/) and can be abbreviated.  The specifications detailed
               below give the minimum abbreviation for each option.
               Numeric arguments can either be decimal, octal, or
               hexadecimal values according to the following special

               . Octal: Any number beginning with zero is treated as
                 an octal value.

               . Hexadecimal: Any number beginning with 0X is
                 treated as a hexadecimal value.  For example, 0XA is 10

               LINK environmental variable: When LINK executes, it
               first searches the environment for the variable LINK.  If
               it exists, the linker uses the contents for the default
               set of options.  Where there are conflicts between
               options specified on the command line and in the contents
               of the LINK environmental variable, the conflicting
               command line options supersede the variable's options.


               Suppresses automatic prompting for path name if a library
               or object file cannot be found.


               Creates an output file with instructions needed by
               Microsoft CodeView.

               /CP[ARMXALLOC]:<16-byte paragraphs>

               Sets the maximum number of 16-byte paragraphs needed when
               an executable file is loaded into memory in decimal
               increments.  The default is 65,535.


               Forces segments to be ordered in the Microsoft
               language-ordering convention.


               Loads DGROUP data at the high-end of the data segment.

               /E[XEPACK] <executable file> <pack file> 

               Packs repetitive sequences of bytes optimizing the
               relocation table.

               Note: A packed executable file cannot be viewed with
               either SYMDEB or CodeView.


               Used with /PACKCODE to optimize intra-segment calls.


               Lists all LINK options to the current device.


               Displays phase of linking and object file names when


               Adds the line numbers and addresses of object module
               statements to the .MAP file.  If no .MAP file is
               specified, this option creates a map file using the base
               name of the main object file and the .MAP extension to
               form the filename.

               /M[AP] [:<number>]

               Lists all public symbols in the object file to the .MAP
               file.  If no .MAP file is specified, this option creates
               a map file using the base name of the main object file
               and the .MAP extension to form the filename.

               <number> specifies the number of public symbols to
               sort by address if the default number of public symbols
               exceeds 2048.  If this option is not specified, the
               listing is sorted by name.


               Forces LINK to ignore any library references inserted
               into the object file by the compiler.

               Note: The Clipper compiler inserts a reference to
               CLIPPER.LIB in each .OBJ file it creates.


               Forces LINK not to use the extended dictionary when
               searching libraries.  If this option is not specified,
               LINK may return error L2044 if symbols are redefined such
               as the names of standard library routines.

               Note: This option is available only in LINK versions
               3.6 and above.


               Suppresses the FARCALLTRANSLATION which is the default


               Forces LINK to differentiate upper and lower case letters
               in external names.  This option is important if you are
               linking C object files, since C is case sensitive and
               some external names may not be found.


               Suppresses /PACKCODE.

               /PAC[KCODE] [:<number>]

               Use with /FARCALLTRANSLATION to pack code segments into
               64K areas.


               Forces LINK to pause and prompt for a change of disk
               drive prior to writing the executable file.


               Sets the maximum <number> of segments per program.  The
               <number> can be any integer from one to 3072.  The option
               is used to override the default limit of 128 segments.

               Note: <number> may be specified as either a decimal,
               hexadecimal, or octal value.


               Sets the size of the executable file stack to <bytes> in
               the range of 1 to 65,535.  The default stack size for C
               programs is 2048.

               Note: <bytes> may be specified as either a decimal,
               hexadecimal, or octal value.

----------------------------------- Example -------------------------------

   The following LINK instructions produce an executable file named
   TEST.EXE, where TEST and PROG1 are object files and \CLIPPER\CLIPPER
   is the Clipper library, located in the Clipper subdirectory.



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