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  Color functions

  1. These are the functions that relate to entire color sets

  SATTCOLOR()         Sets up the the color set for color monitor
  SATTMONO()          Sets up the the color set for MONO
  SATTDIRECT()        Sets up the the color set directly
  SATTGET()           Sets up color set from COLORS.DBF
  SATTPICK()          Sets up color set by selecting from stored                     definitions
  SATTGETMEM()        Sets up color set from old colors.mem
  SATTPUT()           Stores current color set  to colors.dbf
  SATTPICKPUT()       Stores current SuperLib color set to
                      colors.dbf, with picklist selection of set
  SATTPICKDEL()       Picklist deletion of stored color sets
  SATTPUSH()          Pushes the current SuperLib color set
  SATTPOP()           Pops previously pushed color set
  SETCOLORS()         Interactive color setting -
                      save/restore/edit color sets
  COLPIK()            10 built in color sets to select
                      from a popup

 2. These are the functions that deal with individual color set items

  SLS_NORMCOL()       Normal screen output
  SLS_NORMMENU()      Normal MENU color
  SLS_POPCOL()        Popup screen output
  SLS_POPMENU()       Popup MENU color
  SLS_FRAME()         Box frames
  SLS_SHADATT()       Shadow attribute
  SLS_SHADPOS()       Shadow position
  SLS_XPLODE()        Explode/implode popups

 3. Other color related functions

  SLS_ISCOLOR( )      Is this a color monitor

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