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 _FmtAttr (Int)  Assign a field attribute.
 _FmtChar (Int)  Validate character <c> against TCXL format-string
 _FmtFill (Int)  Assign field fill character.
 _FmtFunc (Int)  Assign input function for formatted-field input.
 _FmtGetc (Int)  Return next input key and display TCXL format-string
 _FmtGets (Int)  Get input string to <s> with echo,
 _FmtInit (Int)  Verify TCXL format string <fs> for usage <us>.
 _FmtMask (Int)  Assign password mask character.
 _FmtOpts (Int)  Toggle all TCXL "!..!" format-string options at FmtPtr
 _FmtPuts (Int)  Display current field-buffer using TCXL format-string
 _FmtSeps (Int)  Assign alternate word-separation string <ws>.
 _FmtVali (Int)  Validate current TCXL format-string input-field.
 _FmtClr (Int)   Clear buffer from offset <o> to end &update globalFmtExt.
 _FmtCpy (Int)   Copy string <s> to cleared buffer.
 _FmtCur (Int)   Display initial national-language currency-symbol
 _FmtDec (Int)   Format decimal currency fields
 _FmtDel (Int)   Delete <n> chars from buffer at offset <o>
 _FmtIns (Int)   Insert <n> blanks in buffer at offset <o>
 _FmtPos (Int)   Update TCXL format-string pointer, cursor-position
 _FmtSpa (Int)   Return TRUE if buffer clear from offset <o>, else FALSE.
 _NlsInit (Int)  Install National Language Support.
 _NlsGet (Int)   Get DOS international language control block.

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