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 KbndChg         Exchange global binding stack-head with passed stack.
 KbndClr,KusrClr Removes bindings for the passed keycode.
 KbndFre,KusrFre Free key bindings from memory.
 KbndIdle        Bind function to keyboard idle loop.
 KbndMac,KusrMac Bind macro key string to keycode.
 KbndPut         Put bound key macro into TCXL key queue.
 KbndSet,KusrSet Bind function and return keycode to passed keycode.
 KeyClear        Clears the keyboard and mouse event buffers.
 KeyEvent        Determines if a keyboard/mouse event occurred.
 KeyGetc         Gets a keycode (ASCII/ScanCode) from the keyboard
 KeyPeek         Look ahead at the next keystroke and return its value.
 KeyStat         Returns the status of the keyboard control keys.
 KeyTime,KeyWait Flushes the input buffers, waits for keyboard/mouse
 KqueChk         Determines if any keystrokes are waiting
 KqueClr         Clears the internal keyboard queue.
 KqueGet         Returns the next keycode from the internal queue.
 KquePut         Inserts the passed keystroke into the internal keyboard queue.
 KqueStr         Inserts passed string into the internal keyboard queue.

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