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  .  Summary

  redial(str <dialstr>, int <maxtries>, int <no_link>);

  .  Description

  The redial function dials the entries specified in <dialstr>. The
  entries should be entered in the same format as used when typing en-
  tries in the dialing directory. If <dialstr> is empty (""), the re-
  dial queue is presented to the user, as if Alt-Q was pressed while
  in terminal mode. <maxtries> is the maximum number of dialing at-
  tempts. For example, if the string contains one entry, and
  <maxtries> is equal to 5, Telix will attempt to dial the number 5
  times. If five entries are indicated, and <maxtries> is equal to 5,
  each number will only be attempted once. If <maxtries> is 0, dialing
  will continue until a connection is established. If an entry is con-
  nected to, and has a linked script file attached, that script will
  be run, unless <no_link> is non-zero (TRUE).

  .  Return Value

  If there was a connection, the redial function returns the entry
  number of the of the entry which was connected to (or 1 if a manual
  number was dialed). If there was no connection established, 0 is re-
  turned. If the <dialstr> has a bad format, -1 is returned.
  Also, when a connection is successfully established, the entry num-
  ber of the entry connected to is placed in the system variable
  _entry_enum, while the name of the entry connected to is placed in
  the system variable _entry_name.

  .  Example

  int stat;
  str number_list[] = "1 4 27";
  redial("10 15", 0);
  redial("m967-1111", 5);
  stat = redial(number_list, 0);

See Also: dial _entry_enum _entry_name

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