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 CALL _SEGMENT WITH <memvar name>, <character return memvar>
 Evaluates the location of a variable in memory.
 Returns <expC> segment address of <memvar name> as a hexadecimal string.

 Used in Summer '87 only.  See SEG() for an explanation.

 <memvar name> of memory variable whose segment address is desired.
 <return memvar> is a character variable used to return the segment address.

 This procedure is called by the SEG() function.  It can also be called
 directly from a Clipper program.

 m_numvar = 123.45
 m_segment = SPACE( 4 )
 CALL _SEGMENT WITH m_numvar, m_segment

 * m_segment now contains segment address
 * of m_numvar

             Placed in the Public Domain by Tom Rettig Assoc.

See Also: OFF() SEG() _OFFSET

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