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 accept()       Accept an entry into a string
 allcaps()      Convert a string to all caps
 at()           Address the cursor
 atsayget()     At location display and gat string
 bell()         Ring bell
 blank()        Blank a string
 box()          Draw a box
 buildhlp()     Build help file index
 hlpsort()      Sort help keywords
 clrgets()      Clear pending gets
 wcut()         Cut a section of window
 wpaste()       Paste a section on window
 wflip()        Move intersection to scratch window
 wflop()        Move from scratch window to window
 dayofwk()      Day of Week
 day_name()     Returns pointer to Day name
 wpick()        Pick method of close
 wpickopn()     Pick method of open
 wzoomin()      Close to middle
 wzoom()        Open from middle
 vcdelay()      zoom delay
 wfandn()       Fan down open
 wfunup()       Fan up close
 wpulldn()      Pull down corner
 wpullup()      Pull up from corner
 elapstim()     Substruct two times
 empty()        Empty a string
 erabox()       Erase a box
 xerabox()      Extended erase a box
 werabox()      Erase box with attribute
 eraeol()       Erase end of line
 xeraeol()      Erase end of line
 weraeol()      Window erase end of line
 eraeos()       Erase end of screen
 xeraeos()      Extended erase end of screen
 weraeos()      Erase end of screen
 erase()        Erase the screen
 xerase()       Erase screen with attribute
 werase()       Erase to end of screen
 filtowdo()     Opens a window file and loads contents from disk.
 fromjul()      Convert from julian date
 bdos()         Calls DOS function (int 21h)
 getone()       Get a single character
 ungetone()     Put back a single character
 wadjust()      Window move and resize
 wpkarea()      Pick an area of the screen
 keyrdy()       Check and see if key is ready
 atget()        Place an entry in input queue
 atgetc()       Place an entry in input queue with info
 clrfld()       clear a area to spaces
 deciget()      decimal input
 evalpic()      evaluate special characters
 get()          Place an entry in input queue
 getfld()       Get an entry into a field
 getsay()       Display with picture
 gettype()      Get type of input
 ltorinp()      Left to right input
 sayseg()       display a substring
 hasdata()      tests to see field has data
 haveauth()     check security clearance
 mapnum()       Build map for numeric input
 mapstr()       Builds an input map
 picok()        Check for good key
 prnnum()       Display a formatted number
 readgets()     Read from get table
 rtolinp()      right to left numeric input
 shiftlr()      Shift left and Shift right
 tmppic()       Allocate temporary picture
 xatget()       Place an entry in input queue
 xatgetc()      Place an entry in input queue
 xreadgets()    Read from table
 xxatget()      data input for multiple get tables
 xxatgetc()     Data input with maximum control
 getalloc()     allocate space for get table entry
 seqgetstd()    standard get node sequencer
 allfld2tmp()   initialize all temp edit fields
 onefld2tmp()   initialize a temp edit field
 fldrefresh()   print contents of tmp edit fld on screen
 getvcdate()    Get system date
 getvctime()    Get system time
 hclose()       Close help file
 hfind()        Find keyword in help file
 hload()        Load help index into memory
 hopen()        Opens help file and index
 hprint()       Print help text in window
 intdate()      Convert date to integers
 vca_iputget()  Put or Get a character to screen
 isblank()      Is a string blank
 keycomp()      Compare two keys
 leapyear()     Is it a leapyear
 month_na()     Returns pointer to month name
 mov_curs()     Move the cursor
 vcalloc()      Allocate memory from the heap
 vcfree()       Return memory to the heap
 vca_get()      Get from screen
 vca_put()      Write to screen
 vcaddrc()      Address the cursor
 vcint()        Vitamin C interrupt call
 vcmem()        Memory move
 vcpeek()       Read a value from memory
 vcpoke()       Poke buf into memory
 atsay()        At location display string
 say()          Display string
 xatsay()       At location display string w/attribute
 scrolldn()     Hardware scroll DOWN
 scrollup()     Hardware scroll UP
 dflthlp()      Set pointer to help text
 exitkey()      Set exit key
 helpkey()      Set help key
 setattr()      Set global attributes
 setbell()      Set bell on or off
 sethelp()      Set help function
 setloop()      Set loop function
 statlin()      Set status line

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