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    #include <stdio.h>
    int sprintf( char *buf, const char *format, ... );
    #include <wchar.h>
    int swprintf( wchar_t *buf,
                  size_t n,
                  const wchar_t *format, ... );

    The sprintf function is equivalent to the  fprintf function, except that
    the argument buf specifies a character array into which the generated
    output is placed, rather than to a file.  A null character is placed at
    the end of the generated character string.  The format string is
    described under the description of the  printf function.

    The swprintf function is identical to sprintf except that the argument
    buf specifies an array of wide characters into which the generated
    output is to be written, rather than converted to multibyte characters
    and written to a stream.  The maximum number of wide characters to
    write, including a terminating null wide character, is specified by n.
     The swprintf function accepts a wide-character string argument for

    The sprintf function returns the number of characters written into the
    array, not counting the terminating null character.  An error can occur
    while converting a value for output.  The swprintf function returns the
    number of wide characters written into the array, not counting the
    terminating null wide character, or a negative value if n or more wide
    characters were requested to be generated.  When an error has occurred,
    errno contains a value indicating the type of error that has been

    #include <stdio.h>

    /* Create temporary file names using a counter */

    char namebuf[13];
    int  TempCount = 0;

    char *make_temp_name()
        sprintf( namebuf, "ZZ%.6o.TMP", TempCount++ );
        return( namebuf );

    void main()
        FILE *tf1, *tf2;

        tf1 = fopen( make_temp_name(), "w" );
        tf2 = fopen( make_temp_name(), "w" );
        fputs( "temp file 1", tf1 );
        fputs( "temp file 2", tf2 );
        fclose( tf1 );
        fclose( tf2 );

    sprintf is ANSI, swprintf is ANSI

     sprintf - All, Netware

    swprintf - All

See Also:
    _bprintf, cprintf, fprintf, printf, _vbprintf, vcprintf, vfprintf,
    vprintf, vsprintf

See Also: cprintf vcprintf

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