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    16-bit:  The ERROR Pragma:
    32-bit:  The ERROR Pragma:






16-bit Assembly Language Considerations

16-bit Code Models

16-bit Data Models

16-bit Memory Layout

16-bit Memory Models

16-bit Pragmas

16-bit:  A Function that Never Returns:

16-bit:  Alias Names:

16-bit:  Alternate Names for Symbols:

16-bit:  An Example:

16-bit:  Auxiliary Pragmas:

16-bit:  Auxiliary Pragmas and the 80x87:

16-bit:  Calling Conventions for 80x87-based Applications:

16-bit:  Calling Conventions for Non-80x87 Applications:

16-bit:  Data Representation:

16-bit:  Defining Exported Symbols in Dynamic Link Libraries:

16-bit:  Defining Windows Callback Functions:

16-bit:  Describing Argument Information:

16-bit:  Describing Calling Information:

16-bit:  Describing Function Return Information:

16-bit:  Describing How Functions Use Memory:

16-bit:  Describing the Registers Modified by a Function:

16-bit:  Effect of Function Prototypes on Arguments:

16-bit:  Forcing a Stack Frame:

16-bit:  Forcing Arguments into Specific Registers:

16-bit:  Functions with Variable Number of Arguments:

16-bit:  Interfacing to Assembly Language Functions:

16-bit:  Loading Data Segment Register:

16-bit:  Memory Layout:

16-bit:  Passing Arguments in Registers:

16-bit:  Passing Arguments in Reverse Order:

16-bit:  Passing Arguments to In-Line Functions:

16-bit:  Passing Arguments Using Register-Based Calling Conventions:

16-bit:  Passing Values in 80x87-based Applications:

16-bit:  Predefined "__cdecl" Alias:

16-bit:  Predefined "__pascal" Alias:

16-bit:  Predefined Aliases:

16-bit:  Preserving 80x87 Floating-Point Registers Across Calls:

16-bit:  Removing Arguments from the Stack:

16-bit:  Returning Floating-Point Data:

16-bit:  Returning Function Values in Registers:

16-bit:  Returning Structures:

16-bit:  Returning Values from Functions:

16-bit:  Returning Values in 80x87-based Applications:

16-bit:  Setting Priority of Static Data Initialization (C++ Only):

16-bit:  Size of Enumerated Types:

16-bit:  Sizes of Predefined Types:

16-bit:  Specifying Symbol Attributes:

16-bit:  The ALLOC_TEXT Pragma (C Only):

16-bit:  The CODE_SEG Pragma:

16-bit:  The COMMENT Pragma:

16-bit:  The DATA_SEG Pragma:

16-bit:  The DISABLE_MESSAGE Pragma (C Only):

16-bit:  The DUMP_OBJECT_MODEL Pragma (C++ Only):

16-bit:  The ENABLE_MESSAGE Pragma (C Only):

16-bit:  The ENUM Pragma:

16-bit:  The ERROR Pragma:

16-bit:  The EXTREF Pragma:

16-bit:  The FUNCTION Pragma:

16-bit:  The INLINE_DEPTH Pragma (C++ Only):

16-bit:  The INLINE_RECURSION Pragma (C++ Only):

16-bit:  The INTRINSIC Pragma:

16-bit:  The MESSAGE Pragma:

16-bit:  The ONCE Pragma:

16-bit:  The PACK Pragma:

16-bit:  The TEMPLATE_DEPTH Pragma (C++ Only):

16-bit:  The WARNING Pragma (C++ Only):

16-bit:  Type "char":

16-bit:  Type "double":

16-bit:  Type "float":

16-bit:  Type "int":

16-bit:  Type "long int":

16-bit:  Type "short int":

16-bit:  Using Pragmas to Specify Default Libraries:

16-bit:  Using Pragmas to Specify Options:

16-bit:  Using the 80x87 to Pass Arguments:

16-bit:  Using the 80x87 to Return Function Values:



32-bit Assembly Language Considerations

32-bit Code Models

32-bit Data Models

32-bit Memory Layout

32-bit Memory Models

32-bit Pragmas

32-bit:  A Function that Never Returns:

32-bit:  Alias Names:

32-bit:  Alternate Names for Symbols:

32-bit:  An Example:

32-bit:  Auxiliary Pragmas:

32-bit:  Auxiliary Pragmas and the 80x87:

32-bit:  Calling Conventions for 80x87-based Applications:

32-bit:  Calling Conventions for Non-80x87 Applications:

32-bit:  Data Representation:

32-bit:  Defining Exported Symbols in Dynamic Link Libraries:

32-bit:  Describing Argument Information:

32-bit:  Describing Calling Information:

32-bit:  Describing Function Return Information:

32-bit:  Describing How Functions Use Memory:

32-bit:  Describing the Registers Modified by a Function:

32-bit:  Effect of Function Prototypes on Arguments:

32-bit:  Forcing a Stack Frame:

32-bit:  Forcing Arguments into Specific Registers:

32-bit:  Functions with Variable Number of Arguments:

32-bit:  Interfacing to Assembly Language Functions:

32-bit:  Loading Data Segment Register:

32-bit:  Memory Layout:

32-bit:  Passing Arguments in Registers:

32-bit:  Passing Arguments in Reverse Order:

32-bit:  Passing Arguments to In-Line Functions:

32-bit:  Passing Arguments Using Register-Based Calling Conventions:

32-bit:  Passing Values in 80x87-based Applications:

32-bit:  Predefined "__cdecl" Alias:

32-bit:  Predefined "__pascal" Alias:

32-bit:  Predefined "__stdcall" Alias:

32-bit:  Predefined "__syscall" Alias:

32-bit:  Predefined Aliases:

32-bit:  Preserving 80x87 Floating-Point Registers Across Calls:

32-bit:  Removing Arguments from the Stack:

32-bit:  Returning Floating-Point Data:

32-bit:  Returning Function Values in Registers:

32-bit:  Returning Structures:

32-bit:  Returning Values from Functions:

32-bit:  Returning Values in 80x87-based Applications:

32-bit:  Setting Priority of Static Data Initialization (C++ Only):

32-bit:  Size of Enumerated Types:

32-bit:  Sizes of Predefined Types:

32-bit:  Specifying Symbol Attributes:

32-bit:  The ALLOC_TEXT Pragma (C Only):

32-bit:  The CODE_SEG Pragma:

32-bit:  The COMMENT Pragma:

32-bit:  The DATA_SEG Pragma:

32-bit:  The DISABLE_MESSAGE Pragma (C Only):

32-bit:  The DUMP_OBJECT_MODEL Pragma (C++ Only):

32-bit:  The ENABLE_MESSAGE Pragma (C Only):

32-bit:  The ENUM Pragma:

32-bit:  The ERROR Pragma:

32-bit:  The EXTREF Pragma:

32-bit:  The FUNCTION Pragma:

32-bit:  The INLINE_DEPTH Pragma (C++ Only):

32-bit:  The INLINE_RECURSION Pragma (C++ Only):

32-bit:  The INTRINSIC Pragma:

32-bit:  The MESSAGE Pragma:

32-bit:  The ONCE Pragma:

32-bit:  The PACK Pragma:

32-bit:  The TEMPLATE_DEPTH Pragma (C++ Only):

32-bit:  The WARNING Pragma (C++ Only):

32-bit:  Type "char":

32-bit:  Type "double":

32-bit:  Type "float":

32-bit:  Type "int":

32-bit:  Type "long int":

32-bit:  Type "short int":

32-bit:  Using Pragmas to Specify Default Libraries:

32-bit:  Using Pragmas to Specify Options:

32-bit:  Using Stack-Based Calling Conventions:

32-bit:  Using the 80x87 to Pass Arguments:

32-bit:  Using the 80x87 to Return Function Values:









80x86 Floating Point

80x86 Run-time Conventions

80x87 emulator

<os>_INCLUDE environment variable
    Watcom C/C++ #include File Processing

\H directory


    Based Pointers
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords

    16-bit:  Predefined Aliases:
    32-bit:  Alias Names:
    32-bit:  Predefined Aliases:
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords

__cdecl alias name
    16-bit:  Predefined Aliases:
    32-bit:  Predefined Aliases:

    Watcom C/C++ Predefined Macros



    The __declspec Keyword
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords



    Watcom C/C++ Predefined Macros


    The __declspec Keyword
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords





    The __declspec Keyword
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords

    Watcom C/C++ Predefined Macros

__GRO, stack growing







    Watcom C/C++ Predefined Macros







    Watcom C/C++ Predefined Macros


    Watcom C/C++ Predefined Macros

    Watcom C/C++ Predefined Macros

    16-bit:  Predefined Aliases:
    32-bit:  Alias Names:
    32-bit:  Predefined Aliases:
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords

__pascal alias name
    16-bit:  Predefined Aliases:
    32-bit:  Predefined Aliases:

    The __declspec Keyword
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords

__pragma( "string" )


    Watcom C/C++ Predefined Macros


    Based Pointers
    Segment Object Based Pointers
    Void Based Pointers
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords

    Based Pointers
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords

    Based Pointers
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords


    32-bit:  Predefined Aliases:
    Watcom C/C++ Extended Keywords

__stdcall alias name:

__STK, stack overflow


























































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