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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Win 2 API - <b>messagebox</b> create and display message window [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
MessageBox           Create And Display Message Window

int MessageBox(hWndParent, lpText, lpCaption, wType)
HWND hWndParent;
LPSTR lpText;
LPSTR lpCaption;
WORD wType;
        | MB_APPLMODAL         default |
        | MB_SYSTEMMODAL               |
        | MB_OK                        |
        | MB_OKCANCEL                  |
        | MB_YESNOCANCEL               |
        | MB_YESNO                     |
        | MB_RETRYCANCEL               |
        | MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE          |
        | MB_DEFBUTTON1                |
        | MB_DEFBUTTON2                |
        | MB_DEFBUTTON3                |
        | MB_ICONASTERISK              |
        | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION           |
        | MB_ICONHAND                  |
        | MB_ICONQUESTION              |

Returns:    One of the following depending on button pressed:

                | IDOK     |
                | IDCANCEL |
                | IDABORT  |
                | IDRETRY  |
                | IDIGNORE |
                | IDYES    |
                | IDNO     |

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