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This  file  contains the definitions of constants,  macros  and  types
along  with the declarations for the buffered I/O functions. A  number
of  manifest  constants are also defined. The FILE structure  type  is
also defined.

The other types defined are:
size_t              fpos_t;

The following macros are defined:
getchar             putchar             getc
putc                ferror              feof
clearerr            fileno

Prototypes for the following functions can be found in stdio.h:

tmpnam              fopen               freopen
fseek               ftell               fgets
fgetc               fflush              fclose
fputs               gets                fputc
puts                ungetc              rewind
fread               fwrite              printf
fprintf             vfprintf            vprintf
sprintf             vsprintf            scanf
fscanf              sscanf              setbuf
setvbuf             remove              rename
perror              fcloseall           filesize
flushall            getch               getche

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