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   #include <locale.h>
   struct lconv * localeconv(void);


   localeconv returns a pointer to a filled in struct lconv which contains
   information specific to a particular locale. struct lconv looks like

   struct lconv
       char *decimal_point;
       char *thousands_sep;
       char *int_curr_symbol;
       char *currency_symbol;
       char *mon_decimal_point;
       char *mon_thousands_sep;

       char *negative_sign;
       char frac_digits;
       char p_cs_precedes;
       char p_sep_by_space;
       char n_sc_precedes;
       char n_sep_by_space;
       char n_sign_posn;
       char lc[6];

   decimal_point    The decimal point character for non- monetary usage.

   thousands_sep    The separator to be used in non-monetary usage to the
                    left of the decimal point.

   int_curr_symbol  The international currency symbol used in the locale.

   currency_symbol  The local currency symbol.

   mon_decimal_point The decimal point character for monetary usage.

   mon_thousands_sep The separator to be used in monetary usage to the
                    left of the decimal point.

   negative_sign    A string to indicate a negative monetary quantity.

   frac_digits      The number of digits to display to the right of the
                    decimal point for a monetary quantity.

   p_cs_precedes    1 if currency_symbol is a prefix, 0 if currency_symbol is
                    a suffix for positive monetary quantities.

   p_sep_by_space   1 if currency_symbol is separated by a space from a
                    positive monetary quantity, 0 if there is no space.

   n_cs_precedes    1 if currency_symbol is a prefix, 0 if currency_symbol is
                    a suffix for a negative monetary quantity.

   n_sep_by_space   1 if currency_value is separated by a space from a
                    negative monetary quantity, 0 if there is no space.

   n_sign_posn      A value that indicates how to position negative_sign for a
                    negative monetary quantity.

   lc[6]            The current state of the locale. LC_XXX forms the index of
                    this array. Its values are from _LOCALE enumeration in


   See setlocale

Return Value

   A pointer to a struct lconv. The values contained within the structure
   should be regarded as read only.

See Also


See Also: setlocale

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