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   #include <string.h>
   int memcmp(void *buf1,const void *buf2,size_t count);



   memcmp compares each successive byte pointed to by pointer buf1 with the
   corresponding byte pointed to by buf2 until they do not have the same
   value or until the number of bytes specified in count have been compared.
   memcmp returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero,
   depending on whether the last byte compared in the buffer pointed to by
   buf1 is less than, equal to, or greater than the corresponding byte
   pointed to by buf2.


   See The Memory package

Return Value

   memcmp returns a value which is (< 0) if buf1 is less than buf2, (=0) if
   buf1 equals buf2 and (> 0)if buf1 is greater than buf2.

See Also

   memicmp, memchr, memcpy, memset, strcmp, strcat, strset, strchr

See Also: memicmp memchr memcpy memset strcmp strcat strset strchr

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