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   #include <io.h>
   int open(char *file,int oflag[,int pmode]);


   This function opens a file for reading, writing or appending to. The
   function arguments are:

   int fd           Handle of opened file or ERROR

   char *file       Name of file to open

   int oflag        Operations allowed - one or more of:

                    O_APPEND         position file pointer to end

                    O_CREAT          create file if it does not exist

                    O_EXCL           used with O_CREAT, returns an error if
                                     file            already exists

                    O_RDONLY         open file for reading only

                    O_RDWR           open file for reading and writing

                    O_TRUNC          truncates an existing file

                    O_WRONLY         opens file for writing only

   int pmode       Optional permission mode - one or more of:

                    S_IWRITE         used with O_CREAT, permit writing

                    S_IREAD          used with O_CREAT, permit reading


   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <io.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>

   int main()
       int fd;
       if (ERROR == (fd = open("file.ext",O_CREAT | O_RDWR,
           S_IWRITE))) {
           printf ("Can't open file.ext");
           return EXIT_FAILURE;
       return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Return Value

   A file handle to the opened file, else -1 and errno is set.

See Also


See Also: sopen

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