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   #include <io.h>

   int chsize(int fd,long posn);


   The chsize function will truncate or extend an open file. The argument fd
   is the handle of the file to truncate or extend and posn is the new size.
   If the specified position is shorter than the existing file, the file
   will be truncated. If the specified position is longer than the existing
   file, the file will be extended. Note that the new contents of extended
   files are undefined.


   #include <io.h>
   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <dos.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>

   int main()
       int fd;
       FILE *fp;
       char *fname[2] = {"file1","file2"};
       long sizes[2]  = {10000L, 20000L};

       fd = open(fname[0], O_WRONLY);
       fp = fopen(fname[1], "wb");
       chsize(fd, sizes[0]);
       chsize(fileno(fp), sizes[1]);

       return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Return Value

   0 if successful, otherwise -1.

See Also

   filesize, filelength

See Also: filesize filelength

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