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   #include <complex.hpp>

   // arithmetic:
   friend complex operator+(const complex&, const complex&);
   friend complex operator-(const complex&, const complex&);
   friend complex operator*(const complex&, const complex&);
   friend complex operator/(const complex&, const complex&);

   // relational:
   friend int operator&&(const complex&, const complex&);
   friend int operator||(const complex&, const complex&);
   friend int operator!=(const complex&, const complex&);
   friend int operator==(const complex&, const complex&);

   // assignment:
   complex& operator=(const complex&);
   complex& operator+=(const complex&);
   complex& operator-=(const complex&);
   complex& operator*=(const complex&);
   complex& operator/=(const complex&);

   // unary:

   int operator! () const;
   complex operator- () const;

   // streams:
   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const complex& x);
   friend istream& operator>>(istream& s, const complex& x);


   The operators defined for class complex are overloaded to have an
   analogous meaning to built-in operators; i.e. "+" is the addition of two
   complex variables just as it is used for the addition of two variables of
   type double. The operators in the complex class maintain conventional
   operator precedence.

   The following summarizes the operators defined for the complex class. The
   variables z, z1 and z2 are of type complex. The variable i is of type


   z = z1 + z2 addition
   z = z1 - z2 subtraction
   z = -z1 negation
   z = z1 * z2 multiplication
   z = z1 / z2 division


   i = z1 == z2    equality
   i = z1 && z2    logical AND
   i = z1 || z2    logical OR
   i = z1 != z2    inequality


   z1 = z2
   z1 += z2
   z1 -= z2
   z1 *= z2

   z1 /= z2


   cout << z1  output to ostream in the form ( re, im).
   cin >> z1   input from istream of the form re im.


   #include <iostream.hpp>
   #include <stdlib.h>

   int main()
       complex a(1,3), b(2,3);
       cout << a + b*5;
       return EXIT_SUCCESS;

See Also

   Complex Class, operators, trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions,
   complex functions, math functions

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