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 DOS dynamic overlay linker
 Blinker has a history of creating small, fast, memory efficient .EXEs which
 run on any machine with any processor under all versions of DOS from 3.0
 upwards. These programs will optionally make use of any EMS, XMS and UMB
 memory available to enhance the execution speed of the program and provide
 more memory to the program itself. Also included is the caching of overlays
 to extended or expanded memory for increased runtime speed.

 Blinker removes the need for overlay structures in any language and
 simplifies program design, combining simplicity with functionality. Program
 code may be dynamically overlaid for optimum use of memory without the
 complexity of overlay structures, easily and effectively overcoming the 640
 Kb limit imposed by DOS on the personal computer. Sample link files are
 provided to help get the beginner up and running within minutes of

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