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 Compressing DOS extended programs
 At link time, the .EXE or .DLL file is also compressed on a segment by
 segment basis, but the DOS extender loader automatically detects and
 decompresses a compressed segment at load time.

 Since the DOS extender allocates memory in relatively large blocks the
 memory available to a compressed DOS extended program, as returned by a
 library function or one of the Blinker memory functions, may show no
 difference or may show a larger difference up to the EXTMEM BLOCK size.
 Please refer to the description of the BLINKER EXTMEM BLOCK nnn command in
 the online help for more details.

 To test the memory overhead more accurately you can temporarily reduce the
 block size with the BLINKER EXTMEM BLOCK command, but we do not recommend
 leaving this set when the program is to be distributed.

 Note: In the case of a Dual mode program, only the segments in the main .EXE
 file will be compressed. The overlay file, regardless of whether it is
 internal or external, will not be compressed, as discussed in the section
 `Compressing DOS real mode programs' below. For this reason, better overall
 compression will be seen with an Extended mode program than with a Dual mode
 program, at the expense of the ability to still run in real mode if

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