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 Compressing DOS real mode programs
 At link time a small decompression stub is added to the front of the .EXE
 file and then the whole of the root (non-overlaid portion) is compressed as
 a single block. A maximum of approximately 40 Kb of extra memory is required
 to decompress the root of the .EXE at load time, but this memory is returned
 to the program before the program is actually started.

 Note that no type of overlay files, either internal or external, are
 currently compressed by Blinker. There are two major reasons for this:

 . If overlays were to be compressed, significant extra memory in which
   to decompress the overlays would be required at program run time. This is
   likely to significantly reduce the remaining memory for the rest of the

 . Each overlay is loaded separately and is usually only a few Kb in
   size, so for best performance would need to be decompressed separately.
   Compression ratios of small blocks are typically poor compared to those for
   large blocks, so the benefits are correspondingly less.

 That said, those problems are not insurmountable and we are always improving
 Blinker, so please refer to the online help or to the README.WRI file in the
 Blinker installation directory for the latest details on compression and
 other features.

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