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Display and activate a floating pop-up menu

TrackPopupMenu( <aMenu>, [ <nFlags> ] , <nX>, <nY>, [ <nReserved> ] ,
               [ <hWnd> ] , [ <aRect> ] )   -->   lSuccess

<aMenu> is the array describing the menu.  This array must
have been created originally by CreatePopupMenu().

<nFlags> is an optional numeric used to determine the position
of the menu and which mouse button affects the menu (use the
TPM_* values in WINDOWS.CH).  The default is TPM_LEFTALIGN +

<nX>, <nY> specify the screen co-ordinates of the menu.

<nReserved> is an optional numeric value, reserved for future
use.  If specified, it should be zero (0).

<hWnd> is the handle to the window that owns the pop-up menu.
It defaults to the window that SelectWindow() returns.

<aRect> is an optional array specifying the screen co-ordinates
of a rectangle.  The user can click anywhere within this
rectangle without dismissing the pop-up menu.  The default is
the area of the floating pop-up menu.

If successful, logical TRUE (.T.) is returned, otherwise FALSE
(.F.) is returned.

This function displays a floating pop-up menu on the screen,
tracks mouse movements, and allows the user to select an item
or dismiss the menu.

The menu must have been created by CreatePopupMenu(), and set
up using AppendMenu().

hPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenu()
AppendMenu( hPopupMenu, "cut", MF_ENABLED + MF_STRING,      ;
            "Cu&t", { | c | DoCutCopy( c ) } )
AppendMenu( hPopupMenu, "copy", MF_ENABLED + MF_STRING,     ;
            "&Copy", { | c | DoCutCopy( c ) } )
AppendMenu( hPopupMenu, "paste", MF_ENABLED + MF_STRING,    ;
            "&Paste", { | | DoPaste() } )
AppendMenu( hPopupMenu, "", MF_SEPARATOR )
AppendMenu( hPopupMenu, "find", MF_GRAYED + MF_STRING,      ;
            "&Find", { | c | qout( c ) } )
AppendMenu( hPopupMenu, "replace", MF_GRAYED + MF_STRING,   ;
            "&Replace", { | c | qout( c ) } )
hPopup2Menu = CreatePopupMenu()
AppendMenu( hPopupMenu, "submenu", MF_ENABLED + MF_POPUP,   ;
            "&Submenu", hPopup2Menu)
AppendMenu( hPopup2Menu, "cut2", MF_ENABLED + MF_STRING,    ;
            "Cu&t", { | c | DoCutCopy( c ) } )
AppendMenu( hPopup2Menu, "copy2", MF_ENABLED + MF_STRING,   ;
            "&Copy", { | c | DoCutCopy( c ) } )
AppendMenu( hPopup2Menu, "paste2", MF_ENABLED + MF_STRING,  ;
            "&Paste", { | | DoPaste() } )
AppendMenu( hPopup2Menu, "", MF_SEPARATOR )
AppendMenu( hPopup2Menu, "find2", MF_GRAYED + MF_STRING,    ;
            "&Find", { | c | qout( c ) } )
AppendMenu( hPopup2Menu, "replace2", MF_GRAYED + MF_STRING, ;
            "&Replace", { | c | qout( c ) } )
do case
case nEvent == EVENT_RCLICK
     // display and activate a floating menu at the position
of the right click
     aPt = { _LastLolParam(), _LastHilParam() }
     ClientToScreen( hWnd, aPt )
     TrackPopupMenu( hPopupMenu,  , aPt[1], aPt[2],  , hWnd )
// . . .
DestroyMenu( hPopup2Menu )
DestroyMenu( hPopupMenu )

See Also: ClientToScreen() CreatePopupMenu() DestroyMenu()

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