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Syntax:     KEYTIME([<char>][<time>])

Arguments:  <char> denotes the character to be placed in the keyboard
            <time> is the time when the character should be placed in
            the keyboard buffer.

Returns:    A logical value.
            The function will return (.T.) if KEYTIME() was successfully

            Only operates on AT's.

Usage:      KEYTIME() provides the facility to carry out any program
            operation at a specific time.  The function will then place the
            required keycode into the keyboard buffer at the selected
            time.  Any procedure stipulated for this keycode beforehand
            via SET KEY will be called by Clipper if, or as soon as, they
            are in a wait state.  It is therefore possible to perform
            operations such as data back-up's at a particular time of day,
            although the operation is in a GET...READ wait state.  The
            function will uninstall itself as soon as the character has
            been placed in the  keyboard buffer at the selected time.
            Call the function without specifying arguments if it is required
            to uninstall the function from the program.

Warning:    You must uninstall the function whenever you quit the
            application, or if you use the Expanded Driver supplied with
            Clipper Tools One, it is automatically uninstalled.  The
            function changes one of the interrupt vectors and the system
            will eventually crash if the funtion is not uninstalled when
            you quit the application, since the old interrupt vectors will
            not be restored.  It is only possible for one time monitor to be
            active since a new KEYTIME() will deactivate the previous

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   * Place keycode 7 at 12:30
            KEYTIME(7,"12:30:00")               && (.T.)

            * Place keycode 255 at 14 hours
            KEYTIME(255,"14")                   && (.T.)

            * Place keycode 7 at midnight
            KEYTIME(7,"00:00:00")               && (.T.)

            * An invalid time
            KEYTIME(7,"25:30:00")               && (.F.)

            * Uninstall from KEYTIME()
            KEYTIME()                           && (.F.)


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