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Syntax:     NUL([<expX>])

Arguments:  <expX> is the expression, or the function, for which the
            return value must be suppressed.

Returns:    A character string.
            A null string is always returned.

Usage:      NUL() converts any function with a return value into a
            function which returns a null string instead.  It is then
            possible for the return value for each function to be

Notes:      The function is not really void since it returns a null
            string.  The function should therefore not be used in
            comparisons with other data types (see example).

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   * Wait for a depression of a key.
            ? "Please press a key:" + NUL(INKEY(0))


            * An output via LIST, which waits for a key
            * to be pressed after 20 lines in each case.
            LIST name, IIF(RECNO()%20 = 0,NUL(INKEY(0)),"")

            * A type mismatch would occur in this case.
            ? 3 = NUL(INKEY(5))                 && Error after 5
                                                && seconds.
            ? 7 + NUL(INKEY())                  && Will also lead
                                                && to the error.

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