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 FiveWin Functions - Alphabetically ordered

  Here is an alphabetical list of all FiveWin currently defined functions.

  We provide this list with the intention that no part of FiveWin gets
  undocumented, but we want clearly to warn you that IT IS NOT NECESSARY
  AT ALL to know all these functions because most of them are
  automatically called and managed from higher level FiveWin classes and
  xBase commands.

  Try to keep yourself at the xBase commands level and Objects and Classes
  level and your productivity will benefit very much.

  Most of these functions are specific to Windows API and most of them
  have their equivalents into other graphical environments like IBM-OS2.
  That is why in our opinion the real important thing is that you
  understand all the processes that get involved when you are working in a
  graphical environment.  But never focus on the details. They will be
  changing always.

  Keeping this object oriented point of view, you get the freedom of moving
  to any graphical environment and you will still understand all the working
  processes. This is why FiveWin has its equivalent in IBM-OS2 FiveOS2 and
  in MsDos FiveDos, or even we may take to other environments like
  Unix-XWindows or Mackintosh.

  Of course, some knowledge of this functions will give you sometimes a
  better understanding. If you want and have the time to get a 100%
  understanding then we strongly recommend reviewing Borland's C++ HLP file
  or Microsoft C++ help (or any other Windows compilers manufacturer).

  But remember, have your application built in time! That's the main thing <g>

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