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 FiveWin Functions - Alphabetically ordered                                  .
 AddFontResource()      Adds a new font to the Windows font table            .
 aGetWorkAreas()        Returns an array with all available work areas       .
 AnsiToOem()            Translates a Window string into the OEM MsDos        .
 aOData()               Returns an array with all an Object Class DATA names .
 Arc()                  Draws an elliptical arc                              .
 ASend()                Send an OOP message to an array of Objects
 aTreeBmps()            Returns an array with the default tree bitmaps       .
 BarAdjust()            Adjust the bar to the new dimension of its container .
 BeginPaint()           Prepares a window for start painting                 .
 B2Bin()                Converts a byte into a string 1 byte len             .
 Browse()               Automatic full featured FiveWin browse               .
 BtnPaint()             Paints the contents of a bitmapbutton                .
 BuildCommDCB()         Translates a device string into a control block      .
 CallDll()              Calls a function placed into a DLL                   .
 CallWindowProc()       Passes messages information to a specific procedure  .
 cArgV()                Retrieves a certain command line parameter           .
 cCtrl2Chr()            Generates a string with the control structure        .
 cGetExpression()       General build expression DialogBox                   .
 cGetFile()             File selection standard DialogBox                    .
 CloseZipFile()         Closes the ZIP file                                  .
 CurDrive()             Retrieves the default drive selected letter          .
 GetHelpFile()          Retrieves the default help file selected             .
 GetHelpTopic()         Retrieves the default help Topic                     .
 C2Hex()                Converts a byte into a hex string (2 chars)          .
 cFileDisk()            Retrieves the drive from a filename with path        .
 cFileExt()             Retrieves the extension from a filename              .
 cFileMask()            Retrieves the mask from a filename if specified      .
 cFileName()            Retrieves the filename without its path              .
 cFileNoExt()           Retrieves the filename without path and extension    .
 cFileNoPath()          Retrieves the filename without path (as cFileName()) .
 cFilePath()            Retrieves the path from a filename with path         .
 cFileSubDir()          Retrieves the subdir name from a filename            .
 cNewFileName()         Retrieves a new filename using a rootname            .
 cTempFile()            Retrieves a temporary new filename                   .
 FSize()                Retrieves the size of a filename without opening it  .
 ChangeProc()           Changes the procedure of a Window                    .
 Chord()                Draws a chord                                        .
 ChooseColor()          Color selection standard DialogBox                   .
 ChooseFont()           Font selection standard DialogBox                    .
 ClientToScreen()       Converts client coordinates into screen coordinates  .
 CloseClipboard()       Closes the clipboard                                 .
 CloseComm()            Closes the communication device and frees memory     .
 cNtxKey()              Returns the index expression of a NTX index file     .
 CreateDC()             Creates a device context for the given device        .
 CreateDlg()            Creates a modeless DialogBox from resources          .
 CreateDlgIndirect()    Creates a modeless DialogBox from memory resources   .
 CreateFont()           Creates a logical font with specific characteristics .
 CreateHatch()          Creates a brush with the specified hatched pattern   .
 CreatePattern()        Creates a brush with the specified pattern bitmap    .
 CreatePen()            Creates a pen with the specified style, width & color.
 CreateSolidBrush()     Creates a brush that has a specified solid color     .
 CreateWindow()         Creates an overlapped, pop-up or child window        .
 CursorArrow()          Select the Windows default arrow cursor              .
 CursorCatch()          Selects the FiveWin hand catching cursor             .
 CursorHand()           Selects the FiveWin hand cursor                      .
 CursorIbeam()          Selects the Windows default IBeam cursor             .
 CursorSize()           Selects the Windows default Size cursor              .
 CursorWait()           Selects the Windows default wait cursor              .
 CursorWE()             Selects the Windows default WE cursor                .
 cValToChar()           Converts any value into a string                     .
 DDEAck()               DDE Acknowledge FiveWin management function          .
 DDECommand()           DDE command FiveWin management function              .
 DDEGetCommand()        DDE GetCommand FiveWin management function           .
 DDETerminate()         DDE Terminate FiveWin management function            .
 Decrypt()              Decrypts a string with an optional key               .
 DelDbfMdx()            Resets the MDX file existence at a DBFMDX Dbf file   .
 DeleteDC()             Deletes the given device context                     .
 DeleteObject()         Deletes an object from memory freeing all resources  .
 DestroyCursor()        Destroys a cursor created with Create... or Load...  .
 DestroyWindow()        Destroys the specified window                        .
 DialogBox()            Creates a modal dialog box from resources            .
 DialogBoxIndirect()    Creates a modal dialog box from memory resources     .
 DibDraw()              FiveWin DIB drawing function                         .
 DibFromBitmap()        Creates a DIB from a bitmap                          .
 DibHeight()            Returns the height of a DIB                          .
 DibPalette()           Returns the palette handle of a DIB                  .
 DibRead()              Reads a DIB from disk                                .
 DibWidth()             Returns the width of a DIB                           .
 DibWrite()             Saves a DIB to disk                                  .
 DPToLP()               Converts device coordinates into logical coordinates .
 DrawBitmap()           FiveWin drawing bitmaps 16 colors function           .
 DrawIcon()             Draws an Icon                                        .
 DrawText()             Draws formatted text into a given rectangle          .
 Ellipse()              Draws an ellipse                                     .
 EmptyClipboard()       Empties the clipboard                                .
 EnableWindow()         Enables or disables mouse and keyboard activity      .
 Encrypt()              Encrypts a string with an optional key               .
 EndDialog()            Finish a modal DialogBox                             .
 EndPage()              Ends printing a page                                 .
 EndPaint()             Ends painting a window                               .
 ExitWindowsExec()      Exit Windows, runs a MsDos program, and restart windows
 ExtractIcon()          Retrieves an icon handle from EXE, DLL or ICO        .
 ExtTextOut()           Writes a character string into a rectangular region  .
 FillRect()             Fills a given rectangle with a specified brush       .
 FloodFill()            Fills an area of the screen                          .
 FlushComm()            Flushes all characters from transmision or receiving .
 FreeLibrary()          Free a DLL library in use or decrements its counter use
 FWBitmap()             Creates the FiveWin own icon-alike bitmap            .
 FWBrushes()            Creates any of the predefined FiveWin bitmaps        .
 __GenGPF()             Generates a GPF for testing purpouses                .
 GetActiveWindow()      Retrieves the window handle of the active window     .
 GetASyncKey()          Determines whether a key is up or down               .
 GetCapture()           Retrieves the window handle that has the mouse captured
 GetCaretPos()          Retrieves the current position of the caret          .
 GetClassName()         Retrieves the class name of a window                 .
 GetClientRect()        Retrieves the client coordinates of a window         .
 GetClpData()           Retrieves the handle of the current clipboard data   .
 GetCommError()         Retrieves the most recent comm error value           .
 GetCoors()             Returns an array with four coordinates values        .
 GetDC()                Retrieves the handle of a device context             .
 GetDesktopWindow()     Retrieves the handle of the desktop window           .
 GetDeviceCaps()        Retrieves device-specific information                .
 GetDialogBaseUnits()   Returns the DialogBox base units used to create it   .
 GetFirstInZip()        Retrieves info for the first file in the ZIP file    .
 GetDlgItem()           Retrieves the handle of a control                    .
 GetFTime()             Retrieves the time and date of a file                .
 GetFocus()             Retrieves the handle of the window that has focus    .
 GetFontInfo()          Retrieves font height, width and bold                .
 GetFreeSpace()         Scans the global heap for memory size available      .
 GetInstance()          Returns the application handle instance value        .
 GetKeyStat()           Retrieves the state of the specified virtual key     .
 GetLocal()             Retrieves any local variable from the stack          .
 GetMapMode()           Retrieves the current mapping mode                   .
 GetNextInZip()         Retrieves info for the next file in the ZIP file     .
 GetParam()             Retrieves any parameter value from the stack         .
 GetParent()            Retrieves the window handle of a window parent       .
 GetPixel()             Retrieves the RGB color of a pixel                   .
 GetPrintDC()           DialogBox to retrieves the printer device context    .
 GetPrinter()           Retrieves the printer device context without DlgBox  .
 GetProcAddress()       Retrieves the address of the given module function   .
 GetProfInt()           Retrieves the value of a integer Win.ini file entry   .
 GetProfStr()           Retrieves the value of a string Win.ini file entry   .
 GetProp()              Retrieves a data handle from the Windows property list
 GetPvpProfile()        Retrieves the value of a integer private INI file entry
 GetPvpProfString()     Retrieves the value of a string private INI file     .
 GetStockObject()       Retrieves the handle of a predefined stock pens      .
 GetSysDir()            Retrieves the Windows system directory path          .
 GetTextHeight()        Retrieves the height of a selected font              .
 GetTextWidth()         Retrieves the width of a selected font               .
 GetVersion()           Retrieves the Windows and MsDos versions numbers     .
 GetWinDir()            Retrieves the Windows directory path                 .
 GetWindow()            Retrieves the handle of a window                     .
 GetWindowText()        Retrieves the window associated text                 .
 GetWindowWord()        Retrieves a word value at the specified offset       .
 GetWndApp()            Returns the FiveWin main application window object   .
 GetWndFrame()          Returns the FiveWin main frame application window    .
 GetWndRect()           Retrieves the window all area coordinates            .
 GetWndTask()           Retrieves the window associated task handle          .
 GlobalAddAtom()        Adds a string to the Windows atom table system       .
 GlobalFree()           Frees the given global memory object                 .

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