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 CreateDC()             Creates a device context for the given device

   Syntax:              CreateDC( <cDriver>, <cDevice>, <cOutPut>,
                                   <cInitData> ) --> <hDC>


   <cDriver>            MsDos filename of the device driver (i.e.: "Epson" )

   <cDevice>            Name of the specific device to be supported
                        ( i.e. "Epson FX-80" )

   <cOutPut>            MsDos filename or device name of the physical
                        output medium (file or output port)

   <cInitData>          Additional information specific of that device.


   <hDC>                The handle of the device context just created.

   Observations:        hDCs created with CreateDC() must be released with
                        DeleteDC(), and hDCs created with GetDC() must be
                        released with ReleaseDC().

   Source code:         SOURCE\\WINAPI\\DC.c

   See also:            DeleteDC()

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