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 GetDeviceCaps()        Retrieves device-specific information

   Syntax:              GetDeviceCaps( <hDC>, <nCapability> )  --> <nValue>

                        This function retrieves the device-specific information
                        about a given device.


   <hDC>                The handle of the device context.

   <nCapability>        Specifies the type of information to be returned.


   <nValue>             The requested value.

 DT_PLOTTER      Vector plotter
 DT_RASDISPLAY   Raster display
 DT_RASPRINTER   Raster printer
 DT_RASCAMERA    Raster camera
 DT_CHARSTREAM   Character stream
 DT_METAFILE     Metafile
 DT_DISPFILE     Display file

 HORZSIZE        Width of the physical display, in millimeters.
 VERTSIZE        Height of the physical display, in millimeters.
 HORZRES         Width of the display, in pixels.
 VERTRES         Height of the display, in raster lines.
 LOGPIXELSX      Number of pixels per logical inch along the display width.
 LOGPIXELSY      Number of pixels per logical inch along the display height.
 BITSPIXEL       Number of adjacent color bits for each pixel.
 PLANES          Number of color planes.
 NUMBRUSHES      Number of device-specific brushes.
 NUMPENS         Number of device-specific pens.
 NUMMARKERS      Number of device-specific markers.

 NUMFONTS        Number of device-specific fonts.
 NUMCOLORS       Number of entries in the device's color table.
 ASPECTX         Relative width of a device pixel used for line drawing.
 ASPECTY         Relative height of a device pixel used for line drawing.
 ASPECTXY        Diagonal width of a device pixel used for line drawing.
 PDEVICESIZE     Size of the PDEVICE internal structure, in bytes.
 CLIPCAPS        Clipping capabilities the device supports. It can be one of
                 the following values:

 Value   Meaning

 CP_NONE         Output is not clipped.
 CP_RECTANGLE    Output is clipped to rectangles.
 CP_REGION       Output is clipped to regions.

 SIZEPALETTE     Number of entries in the system palette. This index is valid
                 only if the device driver sets the RC_PALETTE bit in the
                 RASTERCAPS index; it is available only if the driver is
                 written for Windows 3.0 or later.
 NUMRESERVED     Number of reserved entries in the system palette. This
                 index is valid only if the device driver sets the
                 RC_PALETTE bit in the RASTERCAPS index; it is available
                 only if the driver is written for Windows 3.0 or later.
 COLORRES        Color resolution of the device, in bits per pixel. This index is
                 valid only if the device driver sets the RC_PALETTE bit in
                 the RASTERCAPS index; it is available only if the driver is
                 written for Windows 3.0 or later.
 RASTERCAPS      Raster capabilities the device supports. It can be a
                 combination of the following values:

 Value   Meaning

 RC_BANDING      Supports banding.
 RC_BIGFONT      Supports fonts larger than 64K.
 RC_BITBLT       Transfers bitmaps.
 RC_BITMAP64     Supports bitmaps larger than 64K.
 RC_DEVBITS      Supports device bitmaps.
 RC_DI_BITMAP    Supports the SetDIBits and GetDIBits functions.
 RC_DIBTODEV     Supports the SetDIBitsToDevice function.
 RC_FLOODFILL    Performs flood fills.
 RC_GDI20_OUTPUT Supports Windows version 2.0 features.
 RC_GDI20_STATE  Includes a state block in the device context.
 RC_NONE         Supports no raster operations.

 RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT Supports dev opaque and DX array.
 RC_PALETTE      Specifies a palette-based device.
 RC_SAVEBITMAP   Saves bitmaps locally.
 RC_SCALING      Supports scaling.
 RC_STRETCHBLT   Supports the StretchBlt function.
 RC_STRETCHDIB   Supports the StretchDIBits function.

 CURVECAPS       Curve capabilities the device supports. It can be a
                 combination of the following values:

 Value   Meaning

 CC_NONE         Supports curves.
 CC_CIRCLES      Supports circles.
 CC_PIE          Supports pie wedges.
 CC_CHORD        Supports chords.
 CC_ELLIPSES     Supports ellipses.
 CC_WIDE         Supports wide borders.
 CC_STYLED       Supports styled borders.
 CC_WIDESTYLED   Supports wide, styled borders.
 CC_INTERIORS    Supports interiors.
 CC_ROUNDRECT    Supports rectangles with rounded corners.

 LINECAPS        Line capabilities the device supports. It can be a
                 combination of the following values:

 Value   Meaning

 LC_NONE         Supports no lines.
 LC_POLYLINE     Supports polylines.
 LC_MARKER       Supports markers.
 LC_POLYMARKER   Supports polymarkers.
 LC_WIDE         Supports wide lines.
 LC_STYLED       Supports styled lines.
 LC_WIDESTYLED   Supports wide, styled lines.
 LC_INTERIORS    Supports interiors.

 POLYGONALCAPS   Polygonal capabilities the device supports. It can be a
                 combination of the following values:

 Value   Meaning

 PC_NONE         Supports no polygons.
 PC_POLYGON      Supports alternate fill polygons.
 PC_RECTANGLE    Supports rectangles.
 PC_WINDPOLYGON  Supports winding number fill polygons.
 PC_SCANLINE     Supports scan lines.
 PC_WIDE         Supports wide borders.
 PC_STYLED       Supports styled borders.
 PC_WIDESTYLED   Supports wide, styled borders.
 PC_INTERIORS    Supports interiors.

 TEXTCAPS        Text capabilities the device supports. It can be a
                 combination of the following values:

 Value   Meaning

 TC_OP_CHARACTER Supports character output precision, which indicates the
                 device can place device fonts at any pixel location. This is
                 required for any device with device fonts.
 TC_OP_STROKE    Supports stroke output precision, which indicates the
                 device can omit any stroke ofa device font.
 TC_CP_STROKE    Supports stroke clip precision, which indicates the device can
                 clip device fonts to a pixel boundary.
 TC_CR_90        Supports 90-degree character rotation, which indicates the
                 device can rotate characters only 90 degrees at a time.
 TC_CR_ANY       Supports character rotation at any degree, which indicates
                 the device can rotate device fonts through any angle.
 TC_SF_X_YINDEP  Supports scaling independent of x and y directions, which
                 indicates the device can scale device fonts separately in x
                 and y directions.

 TC_SA_DOUBLE    Supports doubled characters for scaling, which indicates the
                 device can double the size of device fonts.
 TC_SA_INTEGER   Supports integer multiples for scaling, which indicates the
                 device can scale the size of device fonts in any integer
 TC_SA_CONTIN    Supports any multiples for exact scaling, which indicates
                 the device can scale device fonts by any amount but still
                 preserve the x and y ratios.
 TC_EA_DOUBLE    Supports double-weight characters, which indicates the
                 device can make device fonts bold. If this bit is not set for
                 printer drivers, graphics device interface (GDI) attempts to
                 create bold device fonts by printing them twice.
 TC_IA_ABLE      Supports italics, which indicates the device can make
                 device fonts italic. If this bit is not set, GDI assumes
                 italics are not available.

 TC_UA_ABLE      Supports underlining, which indicates the device can
                 underline device fonts. If this bit is not set, GDI creates
                 underlines for device fonts.
 TC_SO_ABLE      Supports strikeouts, which indicates the device can
                 strikeout device fonts. If this bit is not set, GDI creates
                 strikeouts for device fonts.
 TC_RA_ABLE      Supports raster fonts, which indicates that GDI should
                 enumerate any raster or TrueType fonts available for
                 this device in response to a call to the EnumFonts or
                 EnumFontFamilies function. If this bit is not set,
                 GDI-supplied raster or TrueType fonts are not enumerated when
                 these functions are called.
 TC_VA_ABLE      Supports vector fonts, which indicates that GDI should
                 enumerate any vector fonts available for this device in
                 response to a call to the EnumFonts or EnumFontFamilies
                 function. This is significant for vector devices only (that
                 is, for plotters). Display drivers (which must be able to
                 use raster fonts) and raster printer drivers always enumerate
                 vector fonts, because GDI rasterizes vector fonts before
                 sending them to the driver.

 TC_RESERVED     Reserved; must be zero.

                 /* TEXTCAPS */

                 #define TC_OP_CHARACTER     0x0001
                 #define TC_OP_STROKE        0x0002
                 #define TC_CP_STROKE        0x0004
                 #define TC_CR_90            0x0008
                 #define TC_CR_ANY           0x0010
                 #define TC_SF_X_YINDEP      0x0020
                 #define TC_SA_DOUBLE        0x0040
                 #define TC_SA_INTEGER       0x0080
                 #define TC_SA_CONTIN        0x0100
                 #define TC_EA_DOUBLE        0x0200
                 #define TC_IA_ABLE          0x0400
                 #define TC_UA_ABLE          0x0800
                 #define TC_SO_ABLE          0x1000
                 #define TC_RA_ABLE          0x2000
                 #define TC_VA_ABLE          0x4000
                 #define TC_RESERVED         0x8000

                 /* CLIPCAPS */
                 #define CP_NONE             0x0000
                 #define CP_RECTANGLE        0x0001
                 #define CP_REGION           0x0002

                 /* RASTERCAPS */
                 #define RC_NONE
                 #define RC_BITBLT           0x0001
                 #define RC_BANDING          0x0002
                 #define RC_SCALING          0x0004
                 #define RC_BITMAP64         0x0008
                 #define RC_GDI20_OUTPUT     0x0010
                 #define RC_GDI20_STATE      0x0020
                 #define RC_SAVEBITMAP       0x0040
                 #define RC_DI_BITMAP        0x0080
                 #define RC_PALETTE          0x0100
                 #define RC_DIBTODEV         0x0200
                 #define RC_BIGFONT          0x0400
                 #define RC_STRETCHBLT       0x0800
                 #define RC_FLOODFILL        0x1000
                 #define RC_STRETCHDIB       0x2000
                 #define RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT     0x4000
                 #define RC_DEVBITS          0x8000

   Source code:     SOURCE\\WINAPI\\Device.c

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