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 PalBmpDraw()           Displays a FiveWin combined bitmap and palette handle

   Syntax:              PalBmpDraw( <hDC>, <nCol>, <nRow>, <hPalBmp>,
                                        <nWidth>, <nHeight>, <nRaster> ) --> nil


   <hDC>                Identifies the window device context.

   <nCol>               The coordinates where to display the bitmap.
   <nRow>               Expressed in pixels unless there is an alternative
                            SetMapMode() selected.

   <hPalBmp>            A numeric handle which holds a special
                        FiveWin format to store a bitmap handle and its
                        associated palette handle:

                        hPalette = nHiWord( <hPalBmp> )
                        hBitmap  = nLoWord( <hPalBmp> )

                        This handle is automatically generated by the
                        FiveWin functions:

                        PalBmpRead( <hDC>, <cBmpFileName> ) --> <hPalBmp>

                        PalBmpLoad( <hDC>, <cBmpResName> ) --> <hPalBmp>

                        And destroyed calling:

                        PalBmpFree( <hPalBmp> )

                        These functions are automatically called from
                        TBitmap Class.

   <nWidth>             The target dimensions for the dipplayed bitmap.
   <nHeight>            By tdefault the own bitmap dimensions are used.

   <nRaster>            A numeric value that specifies the raster
                        operation to be performed. Raster operation codes
                        define how the graphics device interface (GDI)
                        combines colors in output operations that involve
                        a current brush, a possible source bitmap, and a
                        destination bitmap. This parameter can be one of
                        the following:

                        Code    Description

                        BLACKNESS       Turns all output black.
                        DSTINVERT       Inverts the destination bitmap.
                        MERGECOPY       Combines the pattern and the source
                                        bitmap by using the Boolean AND
                        MERGEPAINT      Combines the inverted source bitmap
                                        with the destination bitmap by
                                        using the Boolean OR operator.
                        NOTSRCCOPY      Copies the inverted source bitmap
                                        to the destination.
                        NOTSRCERASE     Inverts the result of combining
                                        the destination and source bitmaps
                                        by using the Boolean OR operator.
                        PATCOPY         Copies the pattern to the destination
                        PATINVERT       Combines the destination bitmap
                                        with the pattern by using the
                                        Boolean XOR operator.
                        PATPAINT        Combines the inverted source bitmap
                                        with the pattern by using the Boolean
                                        OR operator. Combines the result of
                                        this operation with the destination
                                        bitmap by using the Boolean OR
                        SRCAND          Combines pixels of the destination
                                        and source bitmaps by using the
                                        Boolean AND operator.

                        SRCCOPY         Copies the source bitmap to the
                                        destination bitmap.
                        SRCERASE        Inverts the destination bitmap and
                                        combines the result with the source
                                        bitmap by using the Boolean AND
                        SRCINVERT       Combines pixels of the destination
                                        and source bitmaps by using the
                                        Boolean XOR operator.
                        SRCPAINT        Combines pixels of the destination
                                        and source bitmaps by using the
                                        Boolean OR operator.
                        WHITENESS       Turns all output white.


                        #define SRCCOPY     13369376  // 0x00CC0020L
                        #define SRCPAINT    15597702  // 0x00EE0086L
                        #define SRCAND       8913094  // 0x008800C6L
                        #define SRCINVERT    6684742  // 0x00660046L
                        #define SRCERASE     4457256  // 0x00440328L
                        #define NOTSRCCOPY   3342344  // 0x00330008L
                        #define NOTSRCERASE  1114278  // 0x001100A6L
                        #define MERGECOPY   12583114  // 0x00C000CAL
                        #define MERGEPAINT  12255782  // 0x00BB0226L
                        #define PATCOPY     15728673  // 0x00F00021L
                        #define PATPAINT    16452105  // 0x00FB0A09L
                        #define PATINVERT    5898313  // 0x005A0049L
                        #define DSTINVERT    5570569  // 0x00550009L
                        #define BLACKNESS         66  // 0x00000042L
                        #define WHITENESS   16711778  // 0x00FF0062L

   Returns:             Nothing

   Sample:              See SAMPLES\\Install.prg

   Source code:         SOURCE\\FUNCTIONS\\FwBmp.c

See Also: Class TBitmap

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