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 HelpIndex()            Shows the default help file index                    .
 HelpPopup()            Shows the context popup help                         .
 HelpSearch()           Search DialogBox in the default Help file            .
 HelpSetPos()           Changes the position of the WinHelp Window           .
 HelpSetTopic()         Selects a help default topic                          .
 HelpTopic()            Reviews a Topic                                      .
 I2Hex()                Converts a word (2 bytes) into a hex string (4 chars).
 InportByte()           Reads a byte from a hardware port                    .
 InportWord()           Reads a word (2 bytes) from a hardware port          .
 InterruptRegister()    Installs a user defined GPFs controller              .
 InterruptUnRegister()  Uninstalls a user defined GPFs controller            .
 InvalidateRect()       Forces a rectangle to be repainted                   .
 InvertRect()           Inverts the colors of a window rectangle             .
 IsCdRom()              Checks if a drive is a CdRom                         .
 IsDiskette()           Checks if a drive is a floppy disk                   .
 IsIconic()             Checks if a window is iconized                       .
 IsZip()                Checks a valid ZIP file                              .
 IsZoomed()             Checks if a window is maximized                      .
 IsWindow()             Checks if a window handle is valid                   .
 IsWindowVisible()      Checks if a window is visible                        .
 KillTimer()            Removes the specified timer                          .
 L2Hex()                Converts a long (4 bytes) into a hex string (8 chars).
 lAnd()                 Retrieves the logical AND of some numeric values     .
 LbxGetItem()           Retrieves an item of a listbox                       .
 lChDir()               Changes from one directory to another                .
 lIsDir()               Checks the existence of a directory                  .
 lMkDir()               Creates a new directory                              .
 LineTo()               Draws a line from the current position up to another .
 LoadBitmap()           Load the specified resource bitmap                   .
 LoadCursor()           Load the specified resource cursor                   .
 LoadIcon()             Load the specified resource icon                     .
 LoadLibrary()          Load a Dynamic link library to use it                .
 LoadString()           Load the specified resource string                   .
 LPToDP()               Converts logical coordinates into device coordinates .
 lSaveObject()          Saves an object/array to disk                        .
 lWRunning()            Checks if the main FiveWin events-looping is working .
 LZCopyFile()           Copy and expands a Windows compressed file           .
 MapDialogRect()        Converts dialogbox units into screen units (pixels)  .
 MakeIntResource()      Converts an integer resource ID in a Windows format  .
 MeasureItem()          FiveWin function to dispatch WM_MEASUREITEM msgs     .
 MemStat()              Returns a Dialog with all memory values              .
 MenuAddItem()          Adds a menuitem to a menu. Internally used.          .
 MenuBegin()            Begins a new menu definition. Internally used.       .
 MenuEnd()              Ends a menu definition. Internally used.             .
 MessageBeep()          Plays a system alert level waveform sound or a tone  .
 MessageBox()           Creates, displays and operates a MessageBox window   .
 MeterPaint()           Paints the FiveWin meter                             .
 MoveTo()               Changes the painting coordinates                     .
 MoveWindow()           Changes the position /and dimensions of a window     .
 MsgAbout()             MessageBox about style                               .
 MsgAlert()             MessageBox alert style                               .
 MsgBeep()              MessageBeep beep tone                                .
 MsgGet()               General one-line input message                       .
 MsgInfo()              MessageBox information style                         .
 MsgLogo()              Shows a floating logo, typically used at start       .
 MsgMeter()             General meter progress dialog                        .
 MsgPaint()             FiveWin MessageBar painting function                 .
 MsgRun()               Shows a DialogBox with a msg and executes an action  .
 MsgStop()              MessageBox stop style                                .
 MsgToolBar()           General Tool-bar style Dialog                        .
 MsgWait()              Shows a DialogBox with a msg and waits some time     .
 MsgNoYes()             MessageBox YesNo style with default No               .
 MsgYesNo()             MessageBox YesNo style                               .
 nAnd()                 Generates a numeric AND value from some numbers      .
 nArgC()                Returns the number of the command line parameters    .
 nColorToN()            Returns the numeric color equivalent of an xBase color.
 nDlgBox()              Automatic DialogBox testing function.                .
 nGetFileFilter()       Returns the FileSelect DialogBox selected type       .
 nGetBackRgb()          Returns the numeric value of an xBase back color      .
 nGetForeRGB()          Returns the numeric value of an xBase fore color      .
 nIcons()               Returns the number of icons                          .
 nOr()                  Generates a numeric OR value from some numbers       .
 nRandom()              Generates a random number                            .
 nRGB()                 Generates a RGB numeric value                        .
 nStrHash()             Returns a unique hash value for a string             .
 nWRow()                Returns a certain row number of a window             .
 nWRows()               Returns the number of rows of a window               .
 NextDlgTabItem()       Retrieves the handle of the next WS_TABSTOP control  .
 nHiByte()              Returns the High Byte of a word (two bytes)          .
 nHiWord()              Returns the HiWord of a long (four bytes)            .
 nLoByte()              Returns the Low byte of a word (two bytes)           .
 nLoWord()              Returns the Low word of a long (four bytes)          .
 nMakeLong()            Generates a long (4bytes) from two words (2bytes)    .
 nMsgBox()              Generic MessageBox quick access                      .
 NtxPos()               Retrieves the relative index position of a record    .
 OClone()               Retrieves a duplicated Clipper object                .
 OemToAnsi()            Translates a OEM MsDos string into a Windows string  .
 OpenClipboard()        Open the Windows clipboard to start using it         .
 OpenComm()             Open the communication port to start using it        .
 OutportByte()          Sends a byte to a hardware port                      .
 OutportWord()          Sends a word (2 bytes) to a hardware port            .
 OutputDebugString()    Displays a debugging msg at Microsoft dbwin.exe      .
 OSend()                Generic messages Object sending function             .
 Paint3D()              Displays text with 3D look                           .
 PalBmpDraw()           Displays a FiveWin combined bitmap and palette handle.
 ParamCount()           Returns the number of parameters of a process        .
 PeekMessage()          Extract a message from the message queue             .
 Pie()                  Draws a graphic pie                                  .
 PolyPolygon()          Draws several polygons                               .
 PostMessage()          Places a message at the end of the queue             .
 PostQuitMessage()      Generic finishing application function               .
 ReadBitmap()           Reads a bitmap from disk                             .
 ReadComm()             Read the contents of the communication port          .
 Rectangle()            Draws a graphic rectangle                            .
 RegisterClass()        Register a new Windows class                         .
 ReleaseCapture()       Let the other applications use the mouse             .
 ReleaseDC()            Finish using a device context                        .
 RemoveFont()           Removes a font from the available fonts list         .
 RemoveProp()           Removes a previous stored window prop                .
 Report()               Generic FiveWin automatic-reporting function         .
 RestProc()             Restores a window procedure -internally used-        .
 Say3D()                Displays a 3D look text                              .
 ScreenToClient()       Converts screens coordinates in Client coordinates   .
 ScrollWindow()         Scroll a region of a window                          .
 SelectObject()         Select a GDI object to be used in a device context   .
 SendMessage()          Sends a Windows message to a window                  .
 SetActiveWindow()      Changes the current active window                    .
 SetBlackPen()          Selects the black pen for painting                   .
 SetClipboardData()     Places some data at the clipboard                    .
 SetIdleAction()        Set/removes the FiveWin background process           .
 SetWhitePen()          Selects the white pen for painting                   .
 SetCapture()           Captures all the mouse activity for a window         .
 SetClassWord()         Changes a window word value                          .
 SetClpData()           Changes the contents of the clipboard                .
 SetCommState()         Selects the state of the communication port          .
 SetCursor()            Changes the Windows active cursor                    .
 SetDate()              Changes the date of the system                       .
 SetDeskWallPaper()     Changes the desktop bitmap                           .
 SetFTime()             Set a different time and date for a file             .
 SetFocus()             Selects a window as focused                          .
 SetHandleCount()       Changes the maximum number of available files        .
 SetHelpFile()          Selects the default Help File                        .
 SetMapMode()           Selects a drawing mode                               .
 SetParent()            Changes the parent of a window                       .
 SetPixel()             Draws a pixel                                        .
 SetProp()              Store a window property in the Windows prop list     .
 SetTextAlign()         Selects the kind of text aligment                    .
 SetTime()              Changes the time of the system                       .
 SetTimer()             Installs a system timer                              .
 SetViewPortExt()       Selects the viewport of a given device context       .
 SetWindowExt()         Sets the X and Y extents of a device context         .
 SetWindowOrigin()      Changes the window origin of the DC of a window      .
 SetWindowPos()         Changes the position of a Window                     .
 SetWindowText()        Changes the caption of a Window                      .
 ShellAbout()           Displays the typical Windows about DialogBox        .
 ShowWindow()           Make the window show on the screen                   .
 SndPlayRes()           Plays a WAV sound file from resources                .
 SndPlaySound()         Plays a WAV sound file                               .
 StartDoc()             Start generating a new printing document             .
 StartPage()            Start prinitng a new page                            .
 StrToken()             Returns a token from a string                        .
 SysRefresh()           Lets Windows process all pending messages            .
 SysTime()              Changes the time of the system                       .
 TextOut()              Draws text to a specified location                   .
 TimerCount()           Returns the ellapsed time since the app started      .
 TreeBegin()            FiveWin trees function support                       .
 _TreeItem()            FiveWin trees function support                       .
 TreeEnd()              FiveWin trees function support                       .
 uCharToVal()           Converts any value into a character string           .
 uLoadStruct()          Restore an array or an object from disk              .
 UnZipFile()            UnZips a file from the ZIP file                      .
 UpdateWindow()         Updates the client area of a window                  .
 uValBlank()            Returns the correspondent blank value of any variable.
 WaitRun()              Executes another Windows application and waits       .
 WBrwScroll()           Scroll some text lines in a window                   .
 WindowFromPoint()      Retrieves the window which is at certain position    .
 WinExec()              Executes another Windows application                 .
 WinHelp()              Activates Windows WinHelp program                    .
 WndBox()               Draws a box around                                   .
 WndBoxIn()             Draws a inset 3D box                                 .
 WndBoxRaised()         Draws a box raised                                   .
 WndCenter()            Centers a window on the screen                       .
 WndCopy()              Copy a window image to the clipboard                 .
 WndPrint()             Prints the image of a window                         .
 WndRaised()            Makes the border of a window look raised             .
 WNetBrowse()           Shows a DialogBox to browse resources in a Net       .
 WNetError()            Retrieves the latest Net error                       .
 WNetGetUser()          Retrieves the actual local Net user                  .
 WritePProString()      Writes an entry in a private INI file                .
 WriteProfString()      Writes an entry in WIN.INI public file               .
 WQOut()                FiveWin QOut() replacement                           .
 WriteComm()            Writes to the communication port                     .
 WScroll()              Scrolls some text rows of a window                   .
 xPadL()                Left fills a string up to a certain pixel dimension  .
 xPadC()                Center fills a string up to a certain pixel          .
 xPadR()                Right fills a string up to a certain pixel dimension .

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