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 RemoveFont()           Removes a font from the available fonts list

   Syntax:              RemoveFont( <cFontName> )  --> <lSuccess>


   <cFontName>          Identifies the name of the font resource file or
                        the handle of a module loaded that supplied that font.


   <lSuccess>            If the operation was sucessfull.

   Observations:         Any application that adds or removes fonts from the
                         Windows font table should send a WM_FONTCHANGE message
                         to all top-level windows in the system by using the
                         SendMessage function with the hwnd parameter set to
                         -1 (HWND_BROADCAST).

                         In some cases, the RemoveFont function may not remove
                         the font resource immediately. If there are outstanding
                         references to the resource, it remains loaded until
                         the last logical font using it has been removed
                         (deleted) by using the DeleteObject function.

   Source code:          SOURCE\\WINAPI\\FontCrea.c

   See also:             AddFontResource()

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