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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Flipper 6.0 Help File - <b>introduction</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]

This section discusses functions used to store data into the buffer. The
buffer is an area of memory allocated at the time FLIP_INIT() was issued.
The configuration of this buffer is determined by INITDATA(). This function
erases all the data previously entered into the buffer, and sets the buffer
to the number of columns indicated by the argument. The first column contains
the X axis values and is referenced as column 0.

As data are entered into the buffer with STORE_DATA() several things occur:
   * The row number is returned
   * The X scale data type is set based on the type of the first parameter
     of STORE_DATA() - character, numeric, date

The first variable in the list controls the X axis type. The X axis types
are as follows:  0 - Numeric, 1 - Date, and 2 - Character.

The X axis will be scaled and displayed as numbers. The scale will have
between 5 and 12 scale labels as calculated by the scaling algorithm. The
size and number of decimal places will be calculated. The GRAPHICS.PRG
subroutine displays the graph axis labels and can be modified by the

Dates are loaded to the buffer as the number of days from 01/01/1900. If the
date is returned to Clipper from FLIPPER, you must add the days returned from
FLIPPER to the date 01/01/1900 to recover the original date. Original_date =
CTOD('01/01/00') + DATE.

The labels on the X axis are evenly spaced and will skip or create a
multi-layered axis if they overlap. Dates and numbers can be loaded in the X
axis as characters to allow different formatting options.

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