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   Calculates the auto scaling values based on the values in the buffer.

         AUTO_SCALE([nOnOff [,nX_begin,nX_end]])

         nOnOff      X scale value limit status, 0-off, 1-on.
         nX_begin    All values less will not be included in the graph.
         nX_end      All values greater will not be included in the graph.

         RET_MIN()         Returns the low value for a column.
         RET_MAX()         Returns the high value for a column.
         RET_TOTAL()       Returns the total for a column.
         RET_COUNT()       Returns the number of rows of data in the buffer.

         RET_XLOW()        Returns the low X scale value.
         RET_XUP()         Returns the high X scale value.
         RET_XSTEP()       Returns the number of X scale tick marks.
         RET_XINC()        Returns the increment of the X tick marks.
         RET_XSIZE()       Returns the label width on the X scale.
         RET_XDEC()        Returns the decimal precision on the X scale.

         RET_YLOW()        Returns the low Y scale value.
         RET_YUP()         Returns the high Y scale value.
         RET_YSTEP()       Returns the number of Y tick marks.
         RET_YINC()        Returns the increment of the Y tick marks.
         RET_YSIZE()       Returns the label width on the Y scale.
         RET_YDEC()        Returns the decimal precision on Y scale.

         AUTO_SCALE() calculates the auto scaling values based on the
         values in the buffer. Normally this is done when PLOT() is issued.
         However, you may wish to know the values before issuing the PLOT()
         function. By issuing this function, the values can be returned
         before plotting the data.

         You can also limit the data set by including the optional nX_begin
         and nX_end parameters which cause the scaling function to ignore
         any values outside that range. The nOnOff flag can be toggled
         between 0 and 1 to turn on and off the limit parameters. This can
         be used to zoom in on a data set.


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