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 aeof()              Determine if end of file is encountered in alias

   func logical aeof extern
   param alias sDatabase

   sDatabase is the alias to retrieve information about.

   A logical indicating if the record pointer is at the end of file.

   The aeof() function returns .t. if the record pointer has been positioned
   past the last logical record in the specified alias sDatabase. Use
   the aeof() function to detect the end of a database in a do while loop
   to skip through the database, or if a seek is attempted.

   The aeof() function performs identically to the eof() function. aeof()
   differs syntactically in that it accepts an alias as a parameter.

   Use aeof() when your application has more than one database open at one
   time. The aeof() function eliminates the need to manage the current

   Note that in case aeof() returns .t., the record pointer actually points
   to a "ghost record" past the last logical record in the database file,
   i.e. may be necessary to re-position the record pointer to a valid record,
   e.g. to the last record by issuing a go bottom, or a skip -1 command.

   #include example.hdr

   proc Test_aeof
   open "stest.dbf" alias sTest
   !sTest goto 90
   // Display the remaining records up to the end of the database
   do while .not. aeof( sTest )
      ? sTest->firstname, sTest->lastname
      // Never forget the skip command, or you will end up in a
      // loop forever !
      !sTest skip
   // Some experiments around the end of file...
   !sTest go bottom
   ? "aeof() on the last record returns:               ", aeof( sTest )
   !sTest skip
   ? "After another skip, aeof() returns:              ", aeof( sTest )
   ? "Here, the lastname field contains:                '" + ;
       sTest->lastname + "'"
   sTest->lastname := "Testname"
   ? "After assigning a value, the field still contains '" + ;
      sTest->lastname + "'"
   !sTest skip -1
   ? "After skip -1, aeof() returns:                   ", aeof( sTest )
   ? "Here, the lastname field contains:                '" + ;
      sTest->lastname + "'"

   proc main

See Also: abof() eof()

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