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 abof()              Determine if database is at beginning of file
 adbf()              Return database name for the given alias
 adbfname()          Return file name of alias
 adeleted()          Return deleted status for current record
 aeof()              Determine if end of file is encountered in alias
 afdx()              Return the name of an index file
 afdxname()          Return file name of index
 afielddec()         Return the decimal positions of a database field
 afieldlen()         Return the length of a database field
 afieldname()        Return the name of a field in an alias
 afieldstring()      Return the contents of a field in an alias
 afieldtype()        Return the type of a field in an alias
 afldcnt()           Return the number of fields in an alias
 aflock()            Lock a database file
 aheader()           Return the size of a database header
 aindorder()         Return the order number of the active index
 alupdate()          Return date of last update of an alias
 append blank        Add a blank record to the end of a database
 append from         Add records from a database to the current database
 areccount()         Return the number of records in an alias
 arecno()            Return the current record number in an alias
 arecsize()          Returns the record size for an alias
 arecstring()        Return database record contents
 arlock()            Lock the current record in an alias
 average             Compute the average of expressions in work area
 bof()               Determine if beginning of file is encountered
 browse()            Database browse
 browsemouse()       Control mouse interface for the browse() function
 build from alias    Create a database from an alias declaration
 build from fields   Create a database from a field list
 chkopen()           Check if the specified alias is open
 close               Close database and associated memo and index files
 close all           Close all open files
 close databases     Close all databases, memo files and indexes
 close index         Close index files for an alias
 continue            Skip to next record matching locate condition
 copy to             Copy records to another database file
 count               Count the records within the specified scope
 dbcheck()           Determine if a file is a database
 dbedit()            Database browse with record selection
 dbf()               Return the name of the current database file
 dbsort()            Sort a database
 delete              Mark database records for deletion
 deleted()           Return the deleted status of the current record
 dyncheckbuffer()    Return the size of the dynamic alias buffer
 dynclose()          Close a dynamic database
 dyncreate()         Create database without alias
 dynindexinit()      Initializes a dynamic index alias
 dynmemoclose()      Close a memo field
 dynmemoedit()       Edit a memo field in a dynamic database
 dynmemoeof()        Determine if a memo is at EOF
 dynmemoget()        Return a line from a memo
 dynmemoopen()       Open a memo
 dynmemoput()        Insert text into a memo
 dynmemoputln()      Insert a line of text into a memo
 dynmemospace()      Return the amount of free space in a memo
 dynopen()           Open database using dynamic alias
 dynrep()            Set or get the contents of a field
 dyntype()           Determine dynamic field type
 eof()               Determine if end of file is encountered
 fdx()               Return the name of an index file
 fielddec()          Return the decimal positions of a field
 fieldlen()          Return the length of a field in current alias
 fieldname()         Return the name of a field
 fieldstring()       Return the contents of a field as a string
 fieldtype()         Return the type of a field
 find                Search an index for a matching record
 fldcnt()            Return the number of fields in a database
 flock()             Lock the current alias
 flush               Write records in the current alias to disk
 found()             Return result of last seek operation
 getdeleted()        Return the deleted flag
 getexclusive()      Return the exclusive flag
 getsetdeleted()     Get and set the deleted flag
 getsetexclusive()   Get and set the exclusive flag
 go                  Move the record pointer to the specified record
 go bottom           Move the record pointer to the last logical record
 go top              Move the record pointer to the first logical record
 header()            Return size of header for current alias
 index               Create an index file
 indorder()          Return order number of active controlling index
 label form          Display a label
 locate              Search database for record matching a condition
 lupdate()           Return the date when a database was last updated
 mclose()            Close file buffers associated with a memo
 medit()             Edit a memo field
 meof()              Determine if a memo is at the EOF
 mexist()            Determine if a memo exists for the current record
 mgetln()            Return a line of text from a memo
 mopen()             Open a memo
 mput()              Insert text into a memo
 mputln()            Insert a line of text into a memo
 mspace()            Return the amount of free space in a memo
 neterror()          Return the last network error code
 on index do         Install a procedure to execute in the indexing loop
 on pack do          Install a procedure to execute in the pack loop
 open                Open database, memo and index files
 pack                Remove deleted records and reindex
 recall              Restore records marked for deletion
 reccount()          Return the number of records in the current alias
 recno()             Return the current record number in current alias
 recsize()           Return the size of a record in the current alias
 reindex             Regenerate all indexes for a database
 replace             Assign values to database fields
 report form         Display a report
 restoreworkarea()   Restore the last saved work area
 rlock()             Lock current record in current database
 sample              Display a test label
 saveworkarea()      Saves information about the selected database
 seek                Search an index for a matching record
 select              Activate a work area
 set alias to        Establish a file name for an alias
 set delete          Control the deleted flag
 set exclusive       Control the exclusive flag
 set filter to       Insert or remove an item in the filter list
 set index to        Open index files
 set label to        Initalize a label form
 set noeject         Control form feed prior to printing reports
 set order to        Set the master index alias
 set plain           Control page headings in reports
 set relation to     Inserts or remove an item in the relation list
 set report to       Initialize a report form
 set summary         Control detail line printing in reports
 setdeleted()        Set the deleted flag
 setexclusive()      Set the exclusive flag
 skip                Move the record pointer to a new position
 sum                 Total expressions for each record within a scope
 unlock              Release a lock in the current work area
 use                 Close all files associated with the current alias
 use <sAlias>        Open database
 zap                 Remove all records and associated memo fields
 zaprec()            Remove a range of records
 __blk_size          Database buffer size
 __browse_colsep     Browse column separator
 __dbecfg            Configuration of the dbedit() function
 __dynindex          Dynamic index alias
 __edit_browse       Memo editable flag
 __edit_help_on      Memo editor help flag
 __field_eof         EOF field access setting
 __memo_max          Memo buffer size
 __soft_link         Database structure verification setting
 __soft_seek         Non-matching seek setting

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