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SMSW            Store Machine Status Word            Flags: Not altered

SMSW destination                                     CPU: 286+ p

        Logic   destination . MSW

    SMSW stores the machine status word (MSW register) in the 16-bit

    The MSW register is part of control register zero (CR0).
    80386-based programs should use a MOV instruction to read the
    contents of MSW (e.g. mov eax,CR0).

    Opcode      Format
    0F 01 /4    SMSW r/m16

    Length and timing
    Operands    Bytes   8088    186     286     386     486     Pentium
    r16          3                       2       2       2       4   NP
    mem16      3+d(0-2)                  3       3       3       4   NP

See Also: LMSW MOV Control registers

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