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FSTSW           Store status word                    Exceptions: None
FNSTSW          Store status word, no wait           C3 C2 C1 C0: ? ? ? ?

FSTSW destination
FNSTSW destination

        Logic   destination . status word

    FSTSW stores the current value of the status word in destination,
    a 16-bit memory location, or -- in the 287+ -- the AX register of
    the 80x86. FSTSW checks for unmasked FP error conditions before
    storing the status word; FNSTSW does not make this check.

    FSTSW/FNSTSW are primarily used for conditional branching after a
    comparison instruction (FPREM, FPREM1, or FXAM). They can also be
    used to invoke exception handlers (by polling the exception bits) in
    environments that do not use interrupts.

        fstsw ax        ; read FPU status word
        sahf            ; copy condition codes to flags
        jc    @@c0      ; jc ~ C0, jp ~ C2, jz ~ C3

    Opcode      Format
    9B DF /7    FSTSW m16
    9B DF E0    FSTSW AX
    DF /7       FNSTSW m16
    DF E0       FNSTSW AX

    operand       8087         287        387      486     Pentium
    fstsw  m16   12-18        12-18       15        3       2      NP
    fstsw  ax      -          10-16       13        3       2      NP
    fnstsw m16   12-18        12-18       15        3       2      NP
    fnstsw ax      -          10-16       13        3       2      NP

                The wait version may take additional cycles

See Also: FPU registers FXAM FPREM FCOMI FCMOVcc

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