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putc()                   Write a Character to Stream

 #include   <stdio.h>

 putc(c,stream);                         The character written
 char       c;                           Character to be written
 FILE       *stream;                     Pointer to the file stream

    putc() is a macro that writes a single character 'c' to the output
    'stream' at the current position.

    Returns:    If successful, putc() returns the character written.
                putc() returns the value of EOF to indicate an error.
                Since EOF is a legitimate integer value, ferror() should
                be used to detect errors on the given 'stream'.

      Notes:    putc() performs the same operation as fputc(), but putc()
                is a macro, while fputc() is a function.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    This example writes the letters of the alphabet to a file, checks for
    a write error, then closes the file.

         #include <stdio.h>

         FILE *out;
         int x;

             if ((in = fopen("alph.dat","w+")) != NULL) {
                for (x = 65; x < 91; x++) {
                       printf("write error");

See Also: fputc() getc() getchar()

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