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                This example shows how you would set up the
               headers for either a Clipper or C source file.

 * File......: PRTSCR.C
 * Author....: Ted Means
 * CIS ID....: 73067,3332
 * Date......: $Date$
 * Revision..: $Revision$
 * Log file..: $Logfile$
 * This is an original work by Ted Means and is placed in the
 * public domain.
 * Modification history:
 * ---------------------
 * $Log$

/*  $DOC$
 *     FT_PrtScr()
 *     Enable or disable printscreens
 *  $SYNTAX$
 *     FT_PrtScr( <lSetStat> ) -> lCurStat
 *     <lSetStat> set to .T. will enable printscreens, .F. will
 *     disable printscreens.
 *     The current state ( .T. for enabled, .F. for disabled).
 *     This function is valuable if you have a need to disable the
 *     printscreen key.  It works by fooling the BIOS into thinking
 *     that a printscreen is already in progress.  The BIOS will then
 *     refuse to invoke the printscreen handler.
 *     FT_PrtScr( .F. )       // Disable the printscreen key
 *     FT_PrtScr( .T. )       // Enable the printscreen key
 *     MemVar := FT_PrtScr()  // Get the current status
 *     ft_peek() ft_poke()
 *  $END$

                        Formatting Guidelines
 * File......: PRTSCR.C
 * Author....: Ted Means
 * CIS ID....: 73067,3332
 * Date......: $Date$          <- Leave blank, for librarian's use
 * Revision..: $Revision$      <-    "
 * Log file..: $Logfile$       <-    "
 * This is an original work by Ted Means and is placed in the
 * public domain.
 * Modification history:
 * ---------------------
 *                              +
 * $Log$                        | Leave blank, for librarian's use
 *                              +

/*  $DOC$
  +--------------- indent all items 6 spaces after asterisk
 * +   FT_PRTSCR()                           <- 15 characters MAXIMUM
 * |   Enable or disable printscreens        <- 60 character MAXIMUM
 * |$SYNTAX$
 * |   FT_PRTSCR( <lSetStat> ) -> lCurStat
 * |$ARGUMENTS$ +------------------- Parameters in angle brackets
 * |   <lSetStat> set to .T. will enable printscreens, .F. will
 * |   disable printscreens.
 * |   The current state ( .T. for enabled, .F. for disabled).
 * |   This function is valuable if you have a need to disable the
 * |   printscreen key.  It works by fooling the BIOS into thinking
 * |   that a printscreen is already in progress.  The BIOS will then
 * |   refuse to invoke the printscreen handler.
   |   +------------- Lines no longer than 65 characters --------------+
 * |   FT_PRTSCR( .F. )       // Disable the printscreen key
 * |   FT_PRTSCR( .T. )       // Enable the printscreen key
 * |   MemVar := FT_PRTSCR()  // Get the current status
 * |   FTVIDEO.CH                            <- optional
 * |   FT_PEEK() FT_POKE()                   <- optional
 * |$END$
   +- Function names in all caps

See Also: Sample ASM header Submitting code for the Library

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