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               This example shows how you would set up
                 the headers for an ASM source file.

; File......: ADAPTER.ASM
; Author....: Ted Means
; CIS ID....: 73067,3332
; Date......: $Date$
; Revision..: $Revision$
; Log file..: $Logfile$
; This is an original work by Ted Means and is placed in the
; public domain.
; Modification history:
; ---------------------
; $Log$
;  $DOC$
;     FT_ADAPTER()
;     Video
;     Report the type of video adapter installed
;     FT_ADAPTER() -> nResult
;     None
;     0  if monochrome
;     1  if CGA
;     2  if EGA
;     3  if VGA
;     This function is valuable if you use a graphics library and need to
;     know what type of graphics adapter is installed.
;     The source code is written to adhere to Turbo Assembler's IDEAL mode.
;     To use another assembler, you will need to rearrange the PROC and
;     SEGMENT directives, and also the ENDP and ENDS directives (a very
;     minor task).
;     iVideo := FT_ADAPTER()
;     DO CASE
;        CASE iVideo == 0
;           Qout( "You have a monochrome adapter." )
;        CASE iVideo == 1
;           Qout( "You have a CGA adapter." )
;        CASE iVideo == 2
;           Qout( "You have an EGA adapter." )
;        CASE iVideo == 3
;           Qout( "You have a VGA adapter." )
;  $END$

See Also: Sample Clipper or C header Submitting code for the Library

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