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   [  NGXC - Usage  ]

   NGXC . Norton Guide database compiler . v1.0 September 1994
   Usage: NGXC [/?][/D][/Efile][/Wnn][/S] source [source...]
     /?  This message.
     /D  Output object files to current directory
         (default = source's dir).
     /E  Specifies file to echo error and warning
         messages to (default = std. output).
     /W  Warn if entry length > nn kilobytes (nn 4 - 17).
     /S  No statistics.
     Source is ascii text file to be compiled (* ? ok).
     Output (object file) will be source.NGO.

   Example: ngxc /eerrs.dat/w12 abc.txt def.txt ??tables.asc
            1) compiles                into
               the source files:       the object files:

            2) echoes ngxc's screen output to the file errs.dat
            3) issues a warning if an entry exceeds 12,288 bytes in size
            4) displays compilation statistics

            Any existing same-named error file and object files (.NGO) will
            be overwritten.

   To suppress NGXC's screen output entirely, redirect it to the nul
      ngxc /eerrs.dat abc.asc > NUL
   which gives the same result as:
      ngxc abc.asc > errs.dat

   The /d switch is practical when dealing with very large databases to
   avoid several hundred files being accumulated in the same directory.

   Abort NGXC's operation by pressing Ctrl-C or Break.

   Return codes (errorlevel-testable)

   00 No errors
   02 Warning(s) issued
   03 I/O or parse error(s) occurred
   05 Error on command line
   06 User abort (ctrl-c pressed)
   (01, 04 are currently not used)

See Also: Sample screen output

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