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 /PATTERN/        Abbreviation for m/PATTERN/
 ?PATTERN?        Similar to /PATTERN/, but matches only once
 accept           Same as C system call
 alarm            Not supported on DOS
 atan2            Returns arctangen of Y/X in range -PI to PI
 bind             Same as C system call
 binmode          Puts a file in BINARY mode
 caller           Return context of current subroutine call
 chdir            Changes working directory
 chmod            Change permissions on file(s)
 chop             Chop off last char of string and return that char
 chown            Change owner (and group) of a list of files
 chroot           Change root directory for process and children
 close            Close a file or pipe
 closedir         Closes a directory
 connect          As as C system call
 cos              Returns cosine expressed in radians
 crypt            Encrypt a string (like similar func in C)
 dbmclose         Break binding beteen bdm file and associative array
 dbmopen          Bind dbm file to associative array
 defined          Indicates if item has been defined or not
 delete           Delete specified value from associate array
 die              Print message to stderr and terminate
 do               Do a block or subroutine, or execute file
 dump             Causes immediate core dump
 each             Used to iterate of associative arrays
 eof              Indicated file is at End-of-file
 eval             Evaluate expressions as if it where a little program
 exec             Execute a shell script/command
 exit             Exit script with exit code
 exp              Return e to a specified power
 fcntl            Not in DOS
 fileno           Returns a file descriptor for a file handle
 flock            Call flock(2) on a filehandle
 fork             Fork off a process (not on MS-DOS)
 getc             Return next character from input stream
 getlogin         Returns current login from /etc/utmp (not on MS-DOS)
 getpeername      Return packed socket address of other end of socket
 getpgrp          Return process group (not on MS-DOS)
 getppid          Return id of the parent process (not on MS-DOS)
 getpriority      Return current process priority  (not on MS-DOS)
 getsockname      Return socket address for this side of socket
 getsockopt       Return requested socket option (or NULL)
 gmtime           Greenwich time
 goto             Start executing at specified label
 grep             Return matched lines of an array
 hex              Return value of expression as hex string
 index            Return position of first occurance of SUBSTR in STR
 int              Return integer portion of an expression
 ioctl            x
 join             Join separate strings/arrays into single string/array
 keys             Return an array of keys for an associative array
 kill             Terminate a list of processes/groups
 last             Terminate a loop (like break in C)
 length           Return the length of a string expression
 link             Create a new file linked to an old file
 listen           Same as listen system call
 local            Declare a list of variables to be local to a block
 localtime        Convert result of time to a 9-element array
 log              Return the logarith (base e) of an expression
 lstat            Call stat on symbolic links
 m/PATTERN/gio    Match a string agaist a pattern
 mkdir            Make a directory
 next             Start the next iteration of a loop (like continue in C)
 oct              Return expression as an octal string
 open             Open a file for reading,writting, or appending
 opendir          Open a directory
 ord              Return ascii value of first character of EXPR
 pack             Pack values into a binary structure
 pipe             Open a pair of connected pipes
 pop              Pops and return last value of an array
 print            Print a list of strings to an output file
 printf           Print a list of string with formatting to output file
 push             Pushes an items as first element of an array
 q/STRING/        Generalized quoting mechanism (too avoid many \)
 rand             Return random fraction between 0 and 1 (or specified)
 read             Read a sequence a data from a file
 readdir          Return next directory entry
 readlink         Return the value of a symbolic link
 recv             Receive a message on a socket
 redo             Restart a loop block without evaluating conditional
 rename           Change the name of a file
 require          Include a library file
 reset            Clear variables and searches
 return           Return from a subroutine with given value(s)
 reverse          Reverses order of elements of an array or string
 rewinddir        Set position of directory to beginning
 rindex           Return position of last occurance of SUBSTR in STR
 rmdir            Remove a directory
 s/PATT/REPL/gieo Does string subsitutions based on patterns
 scalar           Interpret EXPR in a scalar context and return value
 seek             Position file pointer to specified offset
 seekdir          Position file pointer for directories
 select           Return/Set file handle for output
 shift            Shift first element of array off and return it
 sin              Return sine of EXPR in radians
 sleep            Pause to specified number of seconds
 socket           Open a socket of the specified type
 socketpair       Create an unnamed pair of sockets in specified domain
 sort             Sort a LIST and return the sorted array value
 splice           Remove elements of array and replace with LIST
 split            Split a string into an array of strings
 sprintf          Formatted printing to a string
 sqrt             Return square root of EXPR
 srand            Set random number seed
 stat             Return statistics for a file
 study            Study SCALAR in antisipation of doing many matches
 substr           Extract substring of EXPR and return it
 symlink          Create new file symbolically linked to old file
 syscall          Call a system function with arguments
 sysread          Read data from file using system call 'read'
 system           Send a command to the system to be executed
 syswrite         Write data to file using system call 'write'
 tell             Return current file position for FILEHANDLE
 telldir          Return current position of readdir() for DIRHANDLE
 time             Return num. of non-leap sec. since 00:00:00 1 Jan 1970
 times            Return arrays with user and system times processes
 tr/SRCH/REPL/cds Translate characters from one set into another
 truncate         Truncate an open file to specified length
 umask            Set the umask for the process and return old one
 undef            Undefines a value
 unlink           Deletes a list of files
 unpack           Unpack binary results of pack
 unshift          Prepend a list to the front of an array
 utime            Change access and modification time of files
 values           Return an array of values of associative arrays
 vec              Get bits from an array of unsigned ints
 wait             Wait for a child process to terminate
 waitpid          Wait for a particular child process to terminate
 wantarray        Return true of curr. subroutine is looking for array
 warn             Produce a message to STDERR
 write            Write formatted record to file
 getpwnam                                                         UNIX
 getgrnam                                                         UNIX
 gethostbyname                                                    UNIX
 getnetbyname                                                     UNIX
 getprotobyname                                                   UNIX
 getpwuid                                                         UNIX
 getgrgid                                                         UNIX
 getservbyname                                                    UNIX
 gethostbyaddr                                                    UNIX
 getnetbyaddr                                                     UNIX
 getprotobynumber                                                 UNIX
 getservbyport                                                    UNIX
 getpwent                                                         UNIX
 getgrent                                                         UNIX
 gethostent                                                       UNIX
 getnetent                                                        UNIX
 getprotoent                                                      UNIX
 getservent                                                       UNIX
 setpwent                                                         UNIX
 setgrent                                                         UNIX
 sethostent                                                       UNIX
 setnetent                                                        UNIX
 setprotoent                                                      UNIX
 setservent                                                       UNIX
 endpwent                                                         UNIX
 endgrent                                                         UNIX
 endhostent                                                       UNIX
 endnetent                                                        UNIX
 endprotoent                                                      UNIX
 endservent                                                       UNIX
 msgctl                                                           UNIX
 msgget                                                           UNIX
 msgsnd                                                           UNIX
 msgrcv                                                           UNIX
 semctl                                                           UNIX
 semget                                                           UNIX
 semop                                                            UNIX
 setpgrp                                                          UNIX
 setpriority                                                      UNIX
 setsockopt                                                       UNIX
 select                                                           UNIX
 shmctl                                                           UNIX
 shmget                                                           UNIX
 shmread                                                          UNIX
 shmwrite                                                         UNIX

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