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     reset EXPR

             Generally used in a continue block at the end  of  a
             loop  to  clear  variables  and reset ?? searches so
             that they work again.  The expression is interpreted
             as  a list of single characters (hyphens allowed for
             ranges).  All variables and  arrays  beginning  with
             one  of  those  letters  are reset to their pristine
             state.  If  the  expression  is  omitted,  one-match
             searches (?pattern?) are reset to match again.  Only
             resets variables or searches in the current package.
             Always returns 1.  Examples:

                 reset 'X';      # reset all X variables
                 reset 'a-z';    # reset lower case variables
                 reset;          # just reset ?? searches

             Note:  resetting  "A-Z"  is  not  recommended  since
             you'll wipe out your ARGV and ENV arrays.

             The use of reset on dbm associative arrays does  not
             change  the  dbm file.  (It does, however, flush any
             entries cached by perl, which may be useful  if  you
             are sharing the dbm file.  Then again, maybe not.)

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