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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Paradox Engine 3.0 for C - <b>syntax:</b>pxrawput(recordhandle rechandle, void *buffer, int size); [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
Syntax:PXRawPut(RECORDHANDLE recHandle, void *buffer, int size);

Args: recHandle - record handle obtained from PXRecBufOpen
      *buffer   - pointer to user defined memory location
      size      - size of above buffer

Synopsis: Copies raw data from a user defined memory location to the
   record buffer.  As with PXRawGet,  no checking or data translation
   occurs.  PXRawPut will copy size bytes.  If this is greater than the
   actual record length,  excess bytes will be dropped.

   Use of the raw functions places the burden of parsing fields and
   translating data on the programmer.  However,  it does give you a
   tremendous amount of flexibilty when working with known table
   structures.  You can access all the data in your record with one
   function call, rather than the usual field get/put functions that must
   be called for each individual field. Note, however, that you can
   easily write data that cannot be processed by the Engine get/put
   functions or Paradox. In other words, you are responsible for
   maintaining the integrity of the data.

   Note that Borland does NOT recommend using the raw functions for
   anything but copying records.

See Also: Example Field Types

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