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  Syntax:  Sx_SlimFast(cExpression)

           cExpression = Any character string or expression

  Returns:   <char> Slimmed-down expression or string

  Description:    This is a utility function that takes a character string
                  as a parameter.  The string is converted to upper-case
                  (except for anything in quotes), and all extraneous blanks
                  are removed.

                  NOTE: This does not remove ALL spaces from the string.
                        However, it converts all multiple spaces into a
                        single space.

                  One good usage for this function would be to take a user-
                  supplied expression (such as a query or filter expression)
                  and clean it up for storing or use in a function.

                  For example:

                    Sx_SlimFast("for   tmp->name    <=  'John Smith'")

                  would return:

                    FOR TMP->NAME <= 'John Smith'


        This program accepts an expression in quotes from the command
        line and displays the clean version.

        Compile: CLIPPER <prg> /n

    #include "SIXCDX.CH"

    FUNC Main(cExpression)

      IF (cExpression == NIL)
        ? "USAGE: SLIMFAST <expression>"
        ? "      where <expression> is any FOR-type expression, such as:"
        ? '        "FOR lastname == ' + "'" + 'Smith"'
      ? "Here it is:", Sx_SlimFast( cExpression )


See Also: Sx_FNameParser()

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