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  Syntax:  Sx_SortOption([lUseCurrent])

           lUseCurrent = .T. if sort is to be based on current index,
                         .F. if not.

  Returns:   <logical> Current "dirty read" setting.

  Description:    This function sets the USECURRENT state for a subsequent

                  lUseCurrent specifies whether or not to leave the current
                  index or tag active while sorting the table.  This is
                  useful if the current index is a conditional index,
                  allowing the sorted table to be built with only the
                  records matching the index filter condition.

                  If a scope has been set (using Sx_SetScope() or SET
                  SCOPETOP/SET SCOPE BOTTOM) and lUseCurrent is .T., then
                  the active scope is used to limit the range of records
                  included in the sorted table.

                  This function is used in the SORT command.


    #include "SIXCDX.CH"

    USE test VIA "SIXCDX"                        // Use database
    INDEX ON last TO temp FOR salary < 100000    // Create conditional index
    Sx_SortOption(.T.)                           // Utilize current index
    ? "Sorting..."                               // Show that we're sorting

    // Now sort to a new database file

    USE SORTDEMO VIA "SIXCDX"                    // Open up the new database
    Browse()                                     // Browse the database

See Also: SORT

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