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  Database Event Triggers:

  The SIx Driver's Event Trigger system allows you to attach a "trigger" to
  various database operations, or "events".  This allows you to control all
  aspects of certain events from one location in your program.

  The events currently aupporting triggers are:

   PREUSE       - A USE command has just been issued; Table not yet opened.
   POSTUSE      - A table has just been opened.
   UPDATE       - An index file is about to be checked for updating.
   APPEND       - A new record is about to be appended to the table.
   DELETE       - A record is being marked for deletion.
   RECALL       - A record is being recalled.
   PACK         - The database is to be PACKed.
   ZAP          - The database is to be ZAPped.
   PUT          - A value is being stored into a field.
   GET          - A value is being retrieved from a field.
   PRECLOSE     - A CLOSE command has just been issued; Table not yet closed.
   POSTCLOSE    - A table has just been closed.
   PREMEMOPACK  - A MEMOPACK command has just been issued; Not yet packed.
   POSTMEMOPACK - A memo file has just been PACKed.

  Triggers can be used to:

    . Delete child records from related tables if the parent record is

    . Check for the existence of index files and create them or select
      an order.

    . Limit a user's ability to modify record data.

    . Warn the user before executing a DELETE, PACK, ZAP, etc...

    . And pretty much anything else you can think of attaching to an event.

  NOTE:  See the TRIGDEMO.PRG sample program for an example of using
         Database Event Triggers.

See Also: Sx_DefTrigger() Sx_SetTrigger()

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