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 strbtrim        Trims both leading and trailing spaces off of a string.
 strltrim        Trims the leading spaces off of a string.
 strtrim,strr..  Trims the trailing spaces off of a string.
 strchg          Finds all letters in a string matching one character
 strschg,ischg   Changes all occurrences of one string to another.
 strchksum, stri Calculates the checksum of a string.
 strdel, stridel Deletes a substring from within a string.
 strdela, stri   Deletes all occurrences of a substring
 strins          Inserts one string into another.
 strinc, striinc Determines if and where one string is included in another
 strocc, striocc Counts occurrences of a character in a string.
 strsocc, stri   Counts occurrences of one string within another.
 strsrep, stri   Searches for, and replaces one string within another.
 strmid          Create a new string from part of an input string.
 strleft, strr.. Create a new string from left or right.
 strljust,strr.. Left or right justifies a text string.
 strrol, strror  Rotates a string.
 strshl, strshr  Shifts a string.
 strbmatch       Finds "best" match.
 strmatch        Find match "score."
 strblank        Determines if a given string is blank (whitespace).
 strcode         Encodes/decodes a string.
 strsetsz        Adjusts the length of a string.
 struplow        Converts a string to mixed upper & lowercase characters.

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