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 alloca()              Allocate Memory Block on Stack
 _bcalloc()            Allocate Memory on Specified Based Heap
 _bexpand()            Change Size of Memory Block in Based Heap
 _bfree()              Deallocate Memory Block in Based Heap
 _bfreeseg()           Deallocate Segment in Based Heap
 _bheapadd()           Add Memory to Based Heap
 _bheapchk()           Check Based Heap for Consistency
 _bheapmin()           Minimizes Based Heap
 _bheapseg()           Allocates a Based Heap Segment
 _bheapset()           Fills Empty Based Heap Nodes
 _bheapwalk()          Walks Through Based Heap
 _bmalloc()            Allocate Memory Block in a Based Heap
 _bmsize()             Return Size of Based Heap Memory Block
 _brealloc()           Reallocate Based Heap Memory Block
 calloc()              Allocate and Zero Memory
 _expand()             Change Size of Allocated Memory Block
 _fcalloc()            Allocate and Zero Memory on the Far Heap
 _fexpand()            Change Size of Far Heap Allocated Memory Block
 _ffree()              Deallocate Far Memory Block
 _fheapmin()           Minimizes the Far Heap
 _fheapset()           Fills Empty Far Heap Nodes
 _fheapwalk()          Walks Through Far Heap
 _fmalloc()            Allocate Far Memory Block
 _fmemccpy()           Copies Characters From Buffer (Model Indepedent)
 _fmemchr()            Find Character in Buffer (Model Indepedent)
 _fmemcmp()            Compare Two Buffers (Model Indepedent)
 _fmemcpy()            Copy Bytes Between Buffers (Model Indepedent)
 _fmemicmp()           Compare Two Buffers (Model, Case Indepedent)
 _fmemmove()           Copy Between Buffers (Model Indepedent)
 _fmemset()            Initialize Buffer (Model Indepedent)
 _fmsize()             Return Size of Far Memory Block
 _frealloc()           Reallocate Memory Block on the Far Heap
 free()                Deallocate Memory Block
 _freect()             Return Size of Memory as Number of Items
 halloc()              Allocate and Zero Huge Memory Block
 _heapadd()            Add Memory to the Heap
 _heapchk()            Checks heap for consistency
 _heapmin()            Minimize Heap
 _heapset()            Fills empty heap nodes
 _heapwalk()           Walks through heap
 hfree()               Deallocate Huge Memory Block
 malloc()              Allocate Memory Block
 _memavl()             Return Size of Memory Available
 memccpy()             Copy Characters from Buffer
 memchr()              Find Character in Buffer
 memcmp()              Compare Characters from Two Buffers
 memcpy()              Copy Characters between Buffers
 memicmp()             Compare Characters in Two Buffers
 _memmax()             Gets size of largest memory block
 memmove()             Copy characters between buffers
 memset()              Initialize Buffer
 _msize()              Return Size of Memory Block
 _ncalloc()            Allocate and Zero Memory on the Near Heap
 _nexpand()            Change Size of Near Heap Memory Block
 _nheapchk()           Check Near Heap for Consistency
 _nfree()              Deallocate Near Memory Block
 _nheapmin()           Minimize Near Heap
 _nheapset()           Fills Empty Near Heap Nodes
 _nheapwalk()          Walks Through Near Heap
 _nmalloc()            Allocate Near Memory Block
 _nmsize()             Return Size of Near Memory Block
 _nrealloc()           Reallocate Near Heap Memory Block
 realloc()             Reallocate Memory Block
 stackavail()          Return Size of Available Stack Memory

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