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 FiveWin Functions - classified by cathegory
 OpenClipboard()        Open the Windows clipboard before use                .
 CloseClipboard()       Closes the clipboard                                 .
 SetClpData()           Places data at the clipboard                         .
 GetClpData()           Retrieves the handle of the current clipboard data   .
 EmptyClipboard()       Empties the clipboard                                .

 ChooseColor()          Color selection standard DialogBox                   .
 nColorToN()            Convert color string to DOS color number             .
 nRGB()                 Generates a RGB value                                .
 nGetForeRGB()          Returns the RGB Fore value of a color string         .
 nGetBackRGB()          Returns the RGB Back value of a color string         .
 GetPixel()             Returns the RGB color of a pixel                     .
 SetTextColor()         Set the specified text color                         .
 SetBkColor()           Set the specified background color                   .
 SetBkMode()            Set the specified background mode                    .
 GetTextColor()         Returns the current text color                       .
 GetBkColor()           Returns the current background color                 .
 GetSysColor()          Retrieves the system color element specified         .

 OpenComm()             Open the communication port before use               .
 CloseComm()            Closes the communication device and frees memory     .
 ReadComm()             Read the contents of the communication port          .
 FlushComm()            Flushes all characters from transmision or receiving .
 GetCommError()         Retrieves the most recent comm error value           .
 BuildCommDCB()         Translates a device string into a control block      .
 WriteComm()            Writes to the communication port                     .
 EnableCommNotification() Enables the automatic notification of msgs         .

 Date / Time
 SetDate()              Changes the date of the system                       .
 SetTime()              Changes the time of the system                       .

 Debugging facilities
 OutputDebugString()    Displays a debugging msg at Microsoft dbwin.exe      .

 CreateDlg()            Creates a modeless DialogBox from resources          .
 CreateDlgIndirect()    Creates a modeless DialogBox from memory resources   .
 DialogBox()            Creates a modal dialog box from resources            .
 DialogBoxIndirect()    Creates a modal dialog box from memory resources     .
 EndDialog()            Closes a modal DialogBox and frees resources         .
 GetDialogBaseUnits()   Returns the DialogBox base units used to create it   .
 GetDlgItem()           Retrieves the handle of a control                    .
 MapDialogRect()        Converts dialogbox units into screen units (pixels)  .
 nDlgBox()              Automatic DialogBox testing function.                .

 Directories maintenance
 CurDrive()             Returns the current selected drive as a letter A,B,C..
 aDrives()              Returns an array with all the valid drives ids       .
 IsCdRom()              Checks if a drive is a CdRom                         .
 IsDiskette()           Checks if a drive is a floppy disk                   .
 lChDir()               Changes from one directory to another                .
 lIsDir()               Checks the existence of a directory                  .
 lMkDir()               Creates a new directory                              .
 lRmDir()               Removes a directory                                  .
 GetWinDir()            Retrieves the Windows directory path                 .
 GetSysDir()            Retrieves the Windows system directory path          .

 LoadLibrary()          Load a Dynamic link library to use it                .
 FreeLibrary()          Free a DLL library in use or decrements its counter use
 GetProcAddress()       Retrieves the address of the given module function   .
 CallDll()              Calls a function placed into a DLL                   .

 Arc()                  Draws an elliptical arc                              .
 Chord()                Draws a chord                                        .
 Ellipse()              Draws an ellipse                                     .
 FloodFill()            Fills an area of the screen                          .
 LineTo()               Draws a line from the current position up to another .
 MoveTo()               Changes the origin point to start drawing a line     .
 Pie()                  Draws a pie-shaped wedge drawing an elliptical arc   .
 PolyPolygon()          Draws several polygons                               .
 Rectangle()            Draws a graphic rectangle                            .
 Say3D()                Draws a 3D look text                                 .
 WndBoxIn()             Draws an inset 3D rectangle                          .
 WndBoxRaised()         Draws a raised 3D rectangle                          .
 WndRaised()            Makes a control look raised                          .

 Executing other apps
 WaitRun()              Executes another windows application (waits)         .
 WinExec()              Executes another windows application (no waits)      .
 ExitWindowsExec()      Exit windows, exec a Dos app, returns Windows ( " )  .

 Files management
 cFileDisk()            Retrieves the drive from a filename with path        .
 cFileExt()             Retrieves the extension from a filename              .
 cFileMask()            Retrieves the mask from a filename if specified      .
 cFileName()            Retrieves the filename without its path              .
 cFileNoExt()           Retrieves the filename without path and extension    .
 cFileNoPath()          Retrieves the filename without path (as cFileName()) .
 cFilePath()            Retrieves the path from a filename with path         .
 cFileSubDir()          Retrieves the subdir name from a filename            .
 cNewFileName()         Retrieves a new filename using a rootname            .
 cTempFile()            Retrieves a temporary new filename                   .
 FSize()                Retrieves the size of a filename without opening it  .
 LzCopyFile()           Copies and expands a Windows compressed file         .
 GetFTime()             Retrieves the time and date of a file                .
 SetFTime()             Set a different time and date for a file             .
 SetHandleCount()       Increases the max number of files to open            .

 Help Files Management
 GetHelpFile()          Retrieves the default help file selected             .
 GetHelpTopic()         Retrieves the default help Topic                     .
 HelpIndex()            Shows the default help file index                    .
 HelpPopup()            Shows the context popup help                         .
 HelpSearch()           Search DialogBox in the default Help file            .
 HelpSetPos()           Changes the position of the WinHelp Window           .
 HelpSetTopic()         Selects a help defaut topic                          .
 HelpTopic()            Reviews a Topic                                      .
 SetHelpFile()          Selects the default Help File                        .
 WinHelp()              Activates Windows WinHelp program                    .

 nIcons()               Returns the number of icons                          .
 LoadIcon()             Load the specified resource icon                     .
 ExtractIcon()          Retrieves an icon handle from EXE, DLL or ICO        .
 DrawIcon()             Draws an Icon                                        .

 INI Files
 GetProfInt()           Retrieves the value of a integer Win.ini file entry  .
 GetProfStr()           Retrieves the value of a string Win.ini file entry   .
 GetPvpProfile()        Retrieves the value of a integer private INI file entry
 GetPvpProfString()     Retrieves the value of a string private INI file     .
 WriteProfS()           Writes an entry in WIN.INI public file               .
 WritePProString()      Writes an entry in a private INI file                .

 GetASyncKeyState()     Returns whether a key is up or down                  .
 GetKeyState()          Retrieves the state of the specified virtual key     .
 GetKeyToggle()         Returns the state of a toggled key                   .
 KeyToggle()            Toggles the specified key                            .

 SetCapture()           Captures all the mouse activity for a window         .
 ReleaseCapture()       Let the other applications use the mouse             .
 GetCapture()           Retrieves the window handle that has the mouse captured

 NTX/MDX files management
 DelDbfMdx()            Resets the MDX file existence at a DBFMDX Dbf file   .
 cNtxKey()              Return the key description of a NTX index file       .
 NtxPos()               Returns the relative position of a recno             .

 Numeric manipulation
 B2Bin()                Converts a byte into a string 1 byte len             .
 C2Hex()                Converts a byte into a hex string (2 chars)          .
 D2Bin()                Converts a float into a string 8 bytes len           .
 I2Hex()                Converts a word (2 bytes) into a hex string (4 chars).
 L2Hex()                Converts a long (4 bytes) into a hex string (8 chars).
 lAnd()                 Retrieves the logical AND of some numeric values     .
 nAnd()                 Generates a numeric AND value from some numbers      .
 nOr()                  Generates a numeric OR value from some numbers       .
 nHiByte()              Returns the High Byte of a word (two bytes)          .
 nLoByte()              Returns the Low byte of a word (two bytes)           .
 nHiWord()              Returns the HiWord of a long (four bytes)            .
 nLoWord()              Returns the Low word of a long (four bytes)          .
 nMakeLong()            Generates a long (4bytes) from two words (2bytes)    .
 MakeIntResource()      Converts an integer resource ID in a Windows format  .
 nStrHash()             Returns a hasing algorithm on a string               .
 nRandom()              Generates a random number                            .

 AnsiToOem()            Windows string to OEM conversion                     .
 IsAnsi()               Is it an ansi string                                 .
 IsOem()                Is it an oem string                                  .
 OemToAnsi()            OEM string to Windows string                         .

 aOData()               Returns an array with all an Object Class DATA names .
 OClone()               Retrieves a duplicated Clipper object                .
 OSend()                Generic messages Object sending function             .
 ASend()                Generic messages array of Objects sending function   .
 lSaveObject()          Saves an object to disk                              .
 uLoadObject()          Restores an object from disk                         .
 lSaveVar()             Saves an array to disk                               .
 uLoadVar()             Restores an array from disk                          .

 Security/Copy Protection
 nStrCRC()              Returns the checksum of a text                       .
 nFileCRC()             Returns the checksum of a file                       .
 Encrypt()              Encrypts a text with an optional key                 .
 Decrypt()              Decrypts a text with an optional key                 .
 nSerialHD()            Returns the hardDisk serial number                   .

 MessageBeep()          Plays a system alert level waveform sound or a tone  .
 MsgBeep()              MessageBeep beep tone                                .
 SndPlaySound()         Plays a WAV sound file                               .
 SndPlayRes()           Plays a WAV sound file from resources                .

 cValToChar()           Converts any value into a string                     .
 OemToAnsi()            Translates a OEM MsDos string into a Windows string  .
 AnsiToOem()            Translates a Window string into the OEM MsDos        .
 xPadL()                Left fills a string up to a certain pixel dimension  .
 xPadC()                Center fills a string up to a certain pixel   "      .
 xPadR()                Right fills a string up to a certain pixel dimension .
 B2Bin()                Converts a byte into a string 1 byte len             .
 StrCapFirst()          Uppercase first char and lowercase the rest          .
 StrChar()              Extract a single char from a string                  .
 StrToken()             Extract a token from inside a string                 .

 InportByte()           Reads a byte from a hardware port                    .
 InportWord()           Reads a word from a hardware port                    .
 nPeekByte()            Reads a memory byte                                  .
 nPeekWord()            Reads a memory word                                  .
 nPokeByte()            Writes a memory byte                                 .
 nPokeWord()            Writes a memory word                                 .
 OutportByte()          Sends a byte to a hardware port                      .
 OutportWord()          Sends a word to a hardware port                      .
 SysRefresh()           Let Windows system process pending messsages         .
 GetTasks()             Returns an array with all active tasks names         .

 SetTimer()             Installs a system timer                              .
 KillTimer()            Removes the specified timer                          .

 User Quick DialogBoxes
 MsgAbout()             MessageBox about style                               .
 MsgAlert()             MessageBox alert style                               .
 MsgBeep()              MessageBeep beep tone                                .
 MsgGet()               General one-line input message                       .
 MsgInfo()              MessageBox information style                         .
 MsgLogo()              Displays an initial floating bitmap                  .
 MsgMeter()             General meter progress dialog                        .
 MsgStop()              MessageBox stop style                                .
 MsgRetryCancel()       MessageBox RetryCancel style                         .
 MsgRun()               Shows a DialogBox with a msg and executes an action  .
 MsgToolBar()           General Tool-bar style Dialog                        .
 MsgWait()              Shows a DialogBox with a msg and waits some time     .
 MsgNoYes()             MessageBox YesNo style with default No               .
 MsgYesNo()             MessageBox YesNo style                               .

 ZIP files management (only UnZip capabilities)
 IsZip()                Checks a valid ZIP file                              .
 GetFirstInZip()        Retrieves info for the first file in the ZIP file    .
 GetNextInZip()         Retrieves info for the next file in the ZIP file     .
 CloseZipFile()         Closes the ZIP file                                  .
 UnZipFile()            UnZips a file from the ZIP file                      .

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